Russian gold reserves are approaching the 1941 record.


MOSCOW – With 2,000 tons of gold in foreign exchange reserves, Russian gold reserves are approaching the Soviet record of 2,800 tons recorded in 1941.

Financial analysts say Moscow is looking for financial independence and wants to ignore the American hegemony "

" Some countries in the world want to be as reliant on US policy and suppress the dollar in US trade and debt securities in the United States. reserves. Russian gold purchases rose during the presidential race in the United States and did not stop after Donald Trampe's victory, although he seemed a more desirable candidate for the Kremlin, "he said. Anton Makhnovski, director of the ICBF for Raša Tudj

. That Russia will continue to increase its gold reserves.

Over the last decade, the share of gold in Russian foreign exchange reserves have increased tenfold and Russia has reduced the share of US government bonds from $ 96.1 billion in March to just $ 14.9 billion in May, says RT [19659002] Russian gold reserves now total $ 460 billion, and the central bank aims to

analyst Vladimir Royankovski of the Moscow International Financial Center warned last week that the Russian central bank should not not be too dependent on gold. [19659002] "In the event of an overall fall in the interest of major sovereign investors for American State Securities, I expect to increase speculative activity towards precious metals in order to artificially reduce their market value," said Rojanovski at RT


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