Russian scientists make a battery that will work for 100 years


Moksva-Experts of the National University of Nuclear Research "MIFI" (NINU MIFI) develop radio-isotopic energy sources based on beta energy sources using the nanoclastic films of Nickel radioisotope 63.

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allow the production of centennial harmless nuclear batteries – for cardiac pacemakers, miniaturized sugar counters or blood pressure, for telemetry installations at distance, micro-robots and permanent stand-alone devices – announces a press service Modern achievements in the field of micro and nano electromechanical systems (MEMS and NEMS), which bring together in a single device nanoelectronic and mechanical components, such as drives, pumps or motors, can become promising for the production of microphysical, biological or chemical [19659004] However, the massive implementation of such devices is hampered by the lack of miniature sources of power for the supply of electricity to microelectromechanical and nanoelectromechanical systems.

Today, scientists are actively studying the possibility of miniaturization. However, the dimensions of these sources of energy are still too great for the creation of a true micro and nano system

Radioisotope and / or nuclear batteries are a source of electrical energy different from modern and promising MEMS and NEMS. in which the energy of the radioactive decay of the metastable elements – atomic nuclei – turns into electricity. They are characterized by a higher energy density for a unit of mass and volume. The time of stable energy allocation varies in a wide tuning fork, depending on the type of nuclide.

Unique Properties of Nickel 63

One of the shortest ways to turn the energy of nuclear disintegration into electricity is the thermoelectric conversion. However, scientists are actively studying the sources of beta energy supply that are very interesting for a practical application. The fact is that when using a miniaturized radioisotope power supply emitting a light beta radiation, it is easy to create a physical protection system for users and objects in close proximity to the radiation.

NIFI MIFI scientists investigated the electrophysical properties of the nickel-nickel film and determined the optimal experimental parameters for the manufacture of an energy efficient beta 63 decay converter into electricity.

Nickel radioisotope 63 is one of the most promising beta-ultraviolet radionuclides. It is a milder beta-detector with a permanent half-life of 100.1 years. Therefore, nickel 63 is a unique element that is suitable for permanent power systems that do not require high energy consumption.

From the material point of view, nickel is also a good metal, relatively plastic, relatively inert, easy to work. a container for transport and storage is needed

According to scientists, increase the efficiency of existing energy converters of the beta 63 decomposition of nickel into electricity and find alternative physical systems are very promising tasks of modern science.


Researchers have created an original physical system that allows the efficient production of secondary electrons directly into the nanostructured nickel layers and greatly increases the signal generated by the cascade of multiple inelastic collisions of beta particles, – said the assistant professor technical problems of metrology of the Institute of Laser and Plasma Technologies NINU MIFI Petar Borisjuk

"This system is relatively simple from the point of view of experimental achievement and A combination of closely packed nickel nanolayers with gradient distribution of nanoparticles to dimensions that are deposited on the surface of a broadband dielectric – silicon dioxide. "19659004] The researchers concluded that the formation of Nickel nanoparticles The dimensions offer a unique opportunity to combine two impregnated processes ortants. First, surfaces with a fixed potential difference can be formed, which is determined by the size difference of the nanoparticles in a particular direction. Second, it is possible to convert the beta decay energy of nickel 63 into electron flow without the use of additional complicated semiconductor systems.

The results obtained by the scientists confirm that the formed nickel nanoparticles have unique properties. The field of application of radio-isotopic energy sources with thermoelectric conversion is virtually unlimited. It extends from very low power nuclear batteries to micro and nano electromechanical systems through pacemakers, miniature sugar meters or blood pressure, remote telemetry systems from infrastructure, microbots of specialties and varied uses, great depths and in the regions of the Great North

The research of the scientists of the NIFI MIFI was carried out within the framework of the grant of the Russian Scientific Fund.


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