Ružić: The idea of ​​a territorial exchange can not be legitimate – Politics


Minister of State Administration and Local Self-Government Branko Ružić said today that the idea of ​​territorial exchange with Kosovo does not may not be legitimate and it is not acceptable to talk about it. July 2018. 00.11

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Photo: twiter @brankoruzicsps

"data-medium-file ="×169.jpg "data-large-file =" /wp-content/uploads/2017/01/ruzic_twiter.jpg"/>Photo: twiter @brankoruzicsps

He believes that it is not realistic that the referendum be held on November 4 and that we are far from going beyond something so quickly

Many formations have passed that we have not used, for which we all share the responsibility, all the politicians and the political elites who were all these years, said Ružić visiting the N1.

He stressed that the epilogue of the dialogue with Pristina depends on the wisdom of the state, that we do not miss on our part.

However, it is important that those in Pristina listen to their own opinions on the situation, not only to be the referrals of someone.I am sure we will come to an understanding. omitted, says Ruzic

He notes that it will not be ideal because each party will lose something, but adds that we can not have a monologue.

Serbia tries to put all important international factors into clear and relevant facts and I think that in this area, in a good way, and to reach a solution that would be only rational and satisfactory for the long term, mainly for the Serbian people,

In the opposition says that the referendum will be held on November 4, Ružić says that there is no official announcement for this.

I think we are far from going beyond something that is of vital importance to Serbia. But we can not rush quickly, we can do it quickly if there is a will from all sides – in Brussels and Washington and Moscow and Beijing, but it must also exist in Pristina, says Ruzic

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