Samsung 8K TVs will be ready by the end of August


  Samsung's 8K TVs will be ready by the end of August

Samsung first introduced its [8199004] 8K televisions at this year's CES show and the company has expressed the desire to widely disseminate this resolution The fact that 4K has just started to gain popularity. At the recent QLED & Advanced Displays Summit in Los Angeles, Samsung reiterated its desire to popularize 8K TVs, with possible representation at the IFA 2018 fair in Berlin.

Samsung has announced two new 8K TV lines, although the current specifications highlighted are not objective and are not definitive. The first 8K TV line will have models of 65, 75 and 82 inches, while the 92-inch model could follow in 2019. The biggest feature of these televisions is expected to be the refresh 120Hz but it will not be the same. It is not certain that this will be achieved.

The planned second line has no indicative date of publication, but should be expected next year. The line will be a bit cheaper, with models of 65 and 75 inches and a refresh of 60 Hz.

The first line of 8K TVs could be ready as early as the month of August and there will be currently has no official information on the price of incoming TVs. : Kitguru

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