Samsung now has the largest phone manufacturing plant


  Samsung now owns the largest handset manufacturing plant

Samsung certainly belongs to the largest players in the global smart phone market and strengthens its presence in individual markets (such as the growing Indian market) The South Korean company has just opened the world's largest mobile phone manufacturing plant

The factory was opened in the Indian city of Noida, covering an area of ​​141, 000 square meters. The factory has the potential to duplicate the production of Samsung phones when its full capacity is introduced. Samsung is currently in the market producing 60 million phones, which means that it would be able to produce 120 million phones a year at full capacity.

However, the mentioned figure will not be available at any given time, as predicted Samsung about three years to reach the full production capacity in the factory. The reason is the long process of hiring workers, and the plant will require 5,000 new employees.

Samsung has not yet confirmed which devices will be manufactured at the factory, but pointed out that it could potentially produce everything – from the phone in the lower segment to the premium model.

Source: FirstPost

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