SAVICEVIC ABOUT MUNDIJAL: Serbia has not played a clear penalty, and I see Croatia in the final stages | Mundial


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04 July 2018 18:33 |

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Serbia was defeated, later it ended in the group stage. Dean Savicevic

P Montenegro Football Association Dejan Savicevic says that VAR technology is a good thing "I do not think there is a better deal on the Mundial. " If the judge of Germany looked at the images provided by the VAR technology, he would certainly point to the white spot after the violation. Mitrovic and a net penalty, did not do it, Serbia was defeated, later finished in the group stage.Who knows what kind of epilogue would be awarded a penalty while the scorecard was 01:01, so I think that VAR is good and yes it 's not good that the error of a player on the field affects the fate of the team or the l' '. national team on the field " Savicevic for RTCG .

Read more: FELIX BRIHA: The Serbian Jelat finished with Mundial

The legendary footballer predicts that Croatia will play in the final stages of the World Cup

"Sam pogled na quarter of the quarterfinals, and the one who crosses the semi-finals with which he is crossing, leads us to conclude that there is a big fight in the table with Belgium, Brazil, Uruguay and France. In the second part of the table are Croatia, Sweden, Russia and England and, on the basis of all that is seen and the quality of the team, I see Croatia in the grand finale " ] was Savicevic

To find out more: Croatian Guardian: Biggest Challenge When Everybody Is Against You

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