SECOND POWER CHAMPIONSHIP: Goalkeeper Grin arrives at Stamford Bridge | Soccer



July 26, 2018 13:28 |

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The last 24 hours were crazy. You think about your career, then you receive a phone call that has not lasted long. I am excited and honored to be here – said the new guardian of the swimming network

Former goalkeeper Robert Green Green has signed a one year contract with Chelsea, [19659004] Grin (38) is a free agent who moved to Chelsea because the Hadersfield administration did not offer him a new one. He did not play games last season

Chelsea said Green was brought in reserve for the first goalkeeper Tibo Kurtou and another golfer by William Kabalice

– The last 24 hours were crazy . You think about your career, then you receive a phone call that has not lasted long. I've been excited and honored to be here, "said Grin for the Chelsea site.

From 2005 to 2012, he played 12 games for the England team , and played more than 650 games for Noric, West Ham, Queens Park Rangers and Leeds

He played every game for championship lids in the 2016/2015 season.

British media reported that the Chelsea's first goalkeeper, Tibo Kurto, is one step away from Real Madrid, destined to dismiss Petra Čeha from Arsenal.

Grin is Chelsea's second backup in the summer transition period, after the midfielder came to Naples from Borussia Dortmund

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