How to reduce the battery consumption of an iPhone still hungry? We provide some simple tips that you can apply anytime and anywhere.
Source: B92
Photo: Gettyimages
The Apple Software Development Director Kreg Federg has dropped a stubborn opinion that you can reduce the Wear of your battery if you lose open applications that you do not use.
In fact, compulsive closing and reopening applications reduce the life of the battery. For forced shutdown, only when the application freezes or creates problems.
How can you reduce battery consumption?
It will be useful if you turn on airplane mode in the weak signal area so that the phone does not try to find the network in vain. The same applies to WiFi when there is no nearby network available as well as Bluetooth if you do not use it.
Also, you can switch the iPhone to power-down mode when the battery drops to 20% of its capacity. So, supposedly, the battery could last 20 minutes without charging, provided that the smartphone is too busy tasks.
An easy way to save is to replace Facebook applications with a lighter version, as well as to use this network with Safari viewer, written Mental Flos .
Since the screen is a big consumer of battery, try to turn on the light automatically. You will not have to do it yourself, and the iPhone will try to adjust the screen in the light of day.
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