SHOW! NATO BOMB AT MILITARY AIRPORT IN NIŠ: "The yellow killer" will be destroyed on July 17th from 9am to 11pm!


A cassette bomb was discovered at the Medosevac military airport in 1999 and the Serbian fire brigade will destroy it on July 17 from 9:00 am to 11:00 pm.

Destroy the "yellow killer", as they are unintentionally called cassettes bombs will be preceded by horns

The bomb dropped during NATO aggression was buried at more than one year. one meter deep, but the pyrotechnics managed to locate it in time and thus prevent any tragedy.

Almost 19 years have passed since the NATO bombings, the deminers and the deminers still have full-time jobs because they continue to find territories contaminated by various massacres, including cluster munitions

. and the motto of being our SERIOUS MAJKO I LOVE YOU!

According to some estimates, 12 to 14% of the amount that has been thrown to a certain territory remains on it, and for many years after the ejection it poses a threat to the population.

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