SILOVAO GLUVOMENU DEVOJKU, and when you see what punishment you have SUCCESSFUL BESA!




  The rape of a girl abuse maloletica child sex reads

Illustration: Profimedia

A man who in July 2015 in a podstanar apartment in Zagreb violated his roommate was sentenced sentenced to six months imprisonment

SKANDAL TO THE HUNGARIAN TRIBUNAL While the death story of Ratko Mladic, Judge Meron n & # It did not succeed what the human spirit implies

to spend half a year in prison, while the rest of the sentence will be executed at liberty, unless within four years, repeat the sentence. 39, criminal offense.

LUDOM OF THE LARGEST OTHER LIFE STAHOVIC in Vojvodina, DVA PUTA cheated SMRT in ten minutes [19659009] The 31-year-old and the 24-year-old, both Glutams, lived as a substation in Zagreb. The man raped the girl the night of June 23-24, 2015.


Devojka did not rape anyone, but his friends the following year discovered what happened and informed the police.


The man at trial asserted that he was not guilty and that he was in love with the girl

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