Sladojević and seventh time "Golden Hair" | Report



July 15, 2018 20:33 |

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Traditional, 46. "Kosidba na Rajcu", one of the oldest tourist events in Serbia

VETERAN Milorad Sladojević of Mrkonjić Grad, for the seventh time since the competition, has won the prestigious Golden ", prize 46." Mushrooming on the Rajac ", one of the oldest tourist events in Serbia.In competition of 23 competitors from Serbia, Bosnia and Montenegro, Vuko Vuckovic from Preljina near Cacak, one of the youngest participants in this competition, and Mirko Kecman of Bosanski Petrovac won second place.

Nenad Radivojevic of Slavkovica near Ljig was proclaimed jade – The trimmer who dresses the best, sings the most beautiful and plays bike and keeps the toe of the heart In the team competition, the ability to mow the rainy grass was measured by five teams.The first place was won by the team of Serbia, the Other Bosanski Petrovac, and the third "Janj" of Novi Sad.

– The victory over "Peanuts on the Rajac", the seventh since I'm competing, is the proof more young , and even how kind about a good lure – said Milorad Sladojevi C. – I have been involved for almost two decades in all the mushrooms of the region, but the "golden hair" on Rajac is the highest possible recognition for artifacts in mowing the mountain grass. "Cultivating the Rajac" in the best possible way saves the tradition of mowing the grass, which was once one of the most important jobs in the countryside. With the advent of mechanization, but also the departure of young people from the village, the mowing began to sink into oblivion.

"Wine on Rajac" symbolizes and perpetuates the traditions of village mushrooms – the mowing of mountain meadows. It represents a unique view of the best mowers, winners of previous competitions in Southeast Europe, and it is still traditionally held in the first week of Petrovdan

– This year, traditionally, "Kosidba na Rajcu" has gathered thousands of visitors. and one of the most beautiful in the crown of the famous Valjevske mountains, which are a kind of jewel of nature – says Vladimir Ivanovic of Ljig Tourist Organization. – The spacious meadows of the Rajca are abundant with mountain grass, which has long been mowed manually. That is why "Mowing on the Rajac" is more than just a tourist event, she is a keeper of tradition


NOT A "Mower on Rajac" just a mowing contest, but a demonstration of tradition. – Collecting marshmallows, healers, trumpeters, aquifers, lawn mower on the grass. This gathering was not only an end of an important job, mowing grass, but also an opportunity to meet reputable hosts, business contracts. Young boys and girls had the opportunity to see, shake and even negotiate contracts. The youngest, it was a trip to remember …

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