Slavisa Stojanovic instead of Muslin – Sportskentrala


<img width = "696" height = "472" class = "entry-thumb td-modal-image" src = " uploads / 2018/07 / stojanovic.jpg? resize = 696% 2C472 & ssl = 1 "srcset =" ? w = 800 & ssl = 1 800w, 300w, https: / / 768w, /stojanovic.jpg?resize=620%2C420&ssl=1 620w "sizes =" (max-width: 696px) 100vw, 696px "alt =" Slaviša Stojanović

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The former coach of Red Star Slaviša Stojanović is the new leader of the Sofia Levski, according to media reports in Bulgaria

Stojanović on Levski's bench was replaced by Italy's Delia Rosi, who was sacked after a sensational elimination of the Bulgarian club in qualifying for the Europa League of Liechtenstein's Vaduz.

A Slovenian expert with Levski signed a contract for a year, with the possibility of continuing cooperation. In addition to Stojanovic, the candidates for the new Levski coach were Aleksandar Jankovic and Slavoljub Muslin

Slavisa Stojanovic with the 2014 Red Star was the Serbian champion, then worked in the Belgian Lirse, the Chinese Chancune and Riga Riga [19659007] (function (d, s, id)
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