Two decades ago, Smart appeared on the streets, making Mercedes the idea of a small city car that dates back to the 1970s.
Smart modeling began in 1998, but the Idea of such a vehicle was designed is still in the early 1970s of the 20th century
In the Mercedes, this project was called the "car of the future", and the first sketches of 1972 have presented an ultra-compact car whose length was only 2.5 m [19659003] The business leaders concluded that the idea itself was "awesome" but that it was technically impractical at that time because the car could not meet the required safety standards.
However, they were still far from the realization of this vehicle. In 1993, Eco Sprinter and Eco Speedster were presented to members of the Mercedes Steering Committee.
The leaders were happy with what they saw, and finally gave the green light to the development of the production model.
Then history included a watch manufacturer, Swatch, whose founder, Nicolas G. Hayek, had plans for a small town car since 1989.
The partnership between Micro Compact Car AG and The place of production is selected by Hambah in France, near the border with Germany.
The serial work began in 1994 and the first Smart was presented to the public in Frankfurt. car show in the fall of 1997.
The production was launched a year later, on July 2, 1998, and the same vehicles were delivered to the owners in the same year.
Cabriolet version in 2000, while "roadster" and "coupe roadster" appeared three years later
The Smart family expanded with the 2004 version of the "forfour" version with 4 doors, with the # 39, Japanese Mitsubishi help. However, this car only survived on the market for two years to be abolished in 2006.
Smart "forfour" will be reissued only in 2014 when the current generation of Smarta was launched
In 2007, Smart "fortwo
He was a little taller and more comfortable than his predecessor, and he first appeared on the American market in 2008.
The third, the current generation arrived seven years later with the new Smart forfour, a convertible version also appeared soon
In addition to conventional petrol and diesel engines, Smart has had its own electric variant since the second generation, and this trend has continued in the most
and sells exclusively electric cars, which will arrive in Europe in 2020.
For 20 years, Smart has sold more than 2.2 million cars to this manufacturer's brand
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