SP 2018 Final replica of Moscow Match Soccer School mended by boys France – Croatia


The "World Cup" in Russia was the most effective final in recent history, where the selections of France and Croatia have made six goals.

"Trikolori" score 4: 2 reached triumph

But while world football stars celebrated their success with enthusiastic fans in Paris and Zagreb on Monday, boys from the school of 39 elite from Moscow gathered at the stadium "Sapsan Arena" and said that Mundijal may be finished, but the ball never stops!

They were divided into two teams, dressed in red and blue jackets, then with the boy's charm and the undeniable inset that they "passed" through all the key scenes of the Weekly final – including the celebration of the goals and the request of the "French" to consult "Perišić" playing hand in consulting VAR.


Source: Youtube / RT

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