Stankovic: Albanians in southern central Serbia are not being discussed in Brussels; Seeking Rights as Serbs in KiM | Policy


Tanjug |

14 July 2018 13:17> 13:49 |

Komentara: 0

The Assembly of Albanian Advisers of Bujanovac, Presevo and Medvedja adopted the "Political Declaration" that they request from Pristina and Belgrade and are engaged in a dialogue on standardization relations

Assembly of Albanian Councilors, Central Serbia today adopted the "Political Declaration", which calls on the Kosovo institutions and provisional authorities to include in the dialogue on the normalization of relations and, as they say, the political status of the Albanians of Bujanovac, Presevo and Medvedja, the territory that they call Presevo. They see this solution, as they say, the principle of reciprocity with the rights of the Serbs in the north of the "Republic of Kosovo", among others, in this document.

They consider that without the rights of Albanians in the Presevo Valley "they can not, as they say, be a normal normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina."

They also demand that the Brussels dialogue be represented by the president of the occupation They ask in fact that the leadership of the Kosovo Provisional Institutions, Thaçi, whose legitimacy in the dialogue is disputed by the Kosovo opposition, and Ramush Haradinaj, are representatives of their respective institutions in Kosovo, are in the hands of the Kosovo Albanian authorities in Bujanovac

of interest in Brussels, which they say would provide the same "as Serbia seeks for the Serb minority in Kosovo and Metohija ".

Albanians in southern central Serbia claim that the Serbian minority is the most discriminated "disagreement between Belgrade and Pristina."

Judging by the previous statements of the Albanian advisers, the request to provide them with equal rights for the Serbs in northern Kosovo, the so-called Albanians "Thus, at the assembly of today, they have adopted the conclusion by which they demand "the full realization of the collective rights of the Albanians in accordance with the highest standards envisaged by the international documents of the UN, the EU." Council of Europe and the "Good Practice of the Oland Islands, South Tyrol and Kosovo".

They also demand a substantial increase in the continuous control of the international community, as they say, real estimates of the position of the Albanians in the "Presevo Valley" STANKOVIĆ: [19459003TheAlbaniansofSerbiecentralfederalneededontheopportunityofthepartiesinBrusselsanddel';adoptiondela"Déclarationpolitique"that'ilscherchentàimpliquerdansledialogueetledialogueentreBelgradeetlesBalkansPristinaestplusd'unenaturepolitiqueenraisondesprochainesélectionspourleConseilnationaldesAlbanaisadéclaréaujourd'huileprésidentdel'organedecoordinationdugouvernementdelaSerbiepourlesmunicipalitésdePreševoBujanovacetMedveđaZoranStankovic

"the international community has said clearly and loudly – the municipalities of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja are not a subject in Brussels, and this is clearly stated, so I do not see what reciprocity is and why we are looking for it, "Stankovic told reporters

The Albanian Council of Advisers, three municipalities in southern central Serbia, adopted the" Political Declaration "earlier today. Kosovar institutions and authorities in Belgrade should include in the dialogue on the normalization of relations and, as they say, the political status of the Albanians of Bujanovac, Presevo and Medvedja, the territory they call "the Presevo Valley. "

The principle of reciprocity with the rights of Serbs in the north of the "Republic of Kosovo" is, among others, in this document.

Stankovic says that this statement is a continuation of their statements and recalls that the first was made in 2006, in 2013 and now in 2018 "

" In this statement there are things to analyze, but there is has many unacceptable things that are based on general estimates that do not contain the truth. "

As Sta nkkovic said, this statement may be used by some in pre-election activities since the choice of the National Albanian Council on November 4 is due to other political points."

" But it is not up to us to comment on this given the role of the coordinating body, Stankovic said.

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