Starting tomorrow the technical inspection of the car according to the new rules


Starting tomorrow, July 5, the new Ordinance on the technical inspection of motor vehicles begins to apply, in which the registration of the vehicle will no longer be possible without further technical inspection.

Five photographs of the technical inspection are mandatory. It takes at least 30 minutes for 45 minutes for the cargo, and the deep corrosion of cars will no longer be tolerated.

Moreover, it will not be tolerated even if the vehicle is equipped with brakes, steering equipment, light-signaling devices and

The current price of the technical inspection was 1,500 to 2,000 dinars for the passenger, and twice as much freight, while the new prices would be determined by the Ministry of Commerce. on the technical accuracy, and if the vehicle is defective, it will receive a report on the established state in which all failures will be indicated.

The Rulebook on Technical Lines will bring the first major changes from the previous one in 1984, and the expert public says that it is based on European rules and recommendations – employee training, review time, establishment of Database, tracking and centralization of data.


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