Storm hacked by the red planet, the link stopped for more than a month … – News – Life


The huge storm surmounted by Mars lasts until September, so scientists are increasingly concerned about the state of the Oportjuniti rover, last reported on June 18th.

Source: New Atlas, 24sata

  YouTube Printscreen / ThunderboltsProject

Printscreen YouTube / ThunderboltsProject

Scientists continue to listen to Mars signals, but as long as solar storms last, solar panels will not be able to recharge their batteries. batteries. NASA is still optimistic, but the fate of the little rover is still unknown.

Bringing an eye to Mars has only required three months, but its mission has been extended by 15 years, which means it's running much longer than the expected lifespan.

Although researching the Red Planet for 15 years now, it means 15 years of work in harsher conditions. The current storm is just in the most difficult conditions.

Such global storms occur once in six to eight Earth years, which is why there were not many opportunities to collect data about them.

While the dust of this storm prevents battery charging, it also acts as an insulator that could protect the mobile.

It is also difficult to predict when the Oportunit will succeed in filling the batteries. It is expected that filling may take weeks or even months after the dust settles.

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