Subašić's father discovered: None of our Serbian parents congratulated us on Danijela Telegraph


It is clear why …

  Russia - Croatia World Cup in Russia

One of the heroes the Croatian national team at the world championship in Russia, goalkeeper Danijel Subasic, was probably the most prominent football player of recent weeks in the Serbian media …

For a reason: Father Jovo is Serbian … [19659008] in itself is quite "intriguing" and becomes even more important if this guy is one of the most successful for the greatest success of Croatian football in history.

It was not good for Daniel or his family to read many "explosive" stories about his

Father Jovo, of course, was reluctant to go to the media with this story, but he did not know not what to do with history. however, is relaxed.

They did not call, bad, nothing … Who would call them why? Probably because he plays for Croatia – Jovo Subasic told Kurir, he had received greetings from his parents about the success of his son

Danijel Subašić, guardian of Croatia Photo: Tanjug / AP

Subasic is excused when he was the most difficult during the Mundiala.

– Against Denmark! It was the first playoff game, or you go further or at home.

He had a good sense of Jovo for this series of penalties, and he discovered why.

Last season in Monaco he defended no penalty, but before he was penalized, I knew he was going well.

In Serbia, many repented of the fact that they were running for Croatia when Markus Perkovic Tompson, an uninhibited Ustashi, appeared at the celebration.

And here they write about him, that he's a fascist, that one, the one I know. Danijel told me that he did not know that Tompson would be with them on the bus – said Jovo, a retired baker who lives with his wife in Zagrad where they moved from Zadar there two years ago [Telegraafrs]

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