Suffering for the murder of a prisoner: does that prove the result?


The trial of former members of the Security Council for the murder of journalist Slavko Uruvija has been prosecuted before the Special Court.


  Illustration: Thinkstock

Illustration: Thinkstock

The lawsuit went on to examine the Lightning Propaganda Report as one of the main evidences of tuil.

Although in a boring testimony they claim that they were elsewhere, according to the accused and the family counselor, the accused Miroslav Kurak and Ratko Romi were found at the crime scene.

This evidence, according to, was made by the Special Court, at the request of the defense, the exclusion of the record, but the Court of Appeal remanded them for a second times by decision.

That is why the hearing of a specialized booklet of the Security Intelligence Agency, which had previously been requested by the preliminary procedural judge as part of this process, is still before the courts today. This report until March 2018 was marked by a secret.

The only anniversary began with the murder, because at the very beginning, the judge gave the defense an hour and a half to review the last decision of the Court of Appeal, which brought the evidence back to the proceedings .

Recall that Insider has not yet released the Court of Appeals again approached the Albanian Albanian prosecutor of the prosecution in the murder trial, finding that the databases of the base were obtained in a legal manner previously challenged by the defense.

After the last decision of the Court of Appeal, and after the defense withdrew the request for exemption of this evidence, the Tribunal's Special Court decided to include these elements evidence in the proceedings.

As stated by the president of the court, Sneana Jovanovi, the report on dubbing and forensic examination was established in 2012 and contains 17 articles. It was compiled by an expert from the Security and Information Agency of the appropriate department responsible for the placement of the content, and on the order of the judge of the preliminary proceedings.

Say, as you can see on the screen in the courtroom, the intercepted communications of the phone numbers of the owners of the accused as well as other members of the Dravnost security, as well as the basic cell of mobile phones.

Defense continues to challenge key evidence

Trial testimony was not analyzed, while in short lines comments on this report, which for the Crown and family members are one of the least, defense officials said.

Prior to this, the lawyer Erka Slavka uruvije in the statement for Insider, said the return of the evidence to the case was a decision.

"It is important to us that the evidence relating to the circulation of mobile phones of the defendants remains in the case, as this is one of the first evidences, especially with regard to the accused Romi and Kurak who were the day of the murder and the day before the murder where he was killed, "Rui told Insider.

Representative of the first accused Radomir Markov, Vladimir Marinkov, asked the judge to declare this evidence in writing in the next 15 days, which she approved.

He briefly commented that the dispute was questionable because there was no header, no peat, and that there was only three signatures to an end.

The lawyer felt that the report was not a hoax and he expressed suspicions that only part of this report was delivered to the court.

Most of the comments on the latest evidence in the trial were given by the legal representative of the two accused, Milan Radonjia and Ratko Romia, lawyer Zora Dobrianin Nikodinovi.

It also requested that the files, letters and confirmations on the basis of which the present report was prepared be examined in court, since it purports to prove "all unlawful actions of the prosecution authorities in this case".

The judge repeatedly asked her not to repeat, analyze and not all the records she wants to admit into evidence, but to make specific statements about this proposed evidence.

After that, the defendants made a brief statement on this report of the main controversy, and the plot was initiated because, as the judge said, "the court number 1 was to be released."

The Vea president said that the continuation of the proceedings was scheduled for September 21 and asked the defense and security to prepare the next preparation, adding that the procedure itself was "a blitz ending" . in this procedure depends on the speed of the execution of the remaining evidence.

Meanwhile, lawyers Romia and Radonjia also requested that both be released, which the Trial Chamber refused.

Recall that Radonjia and Romia, the court in 2017, made public the verdict and the trial in detention in Kun, with a nanotube, although they were accused of murder, which provoked a strong public reaction

Romia and Radonjia, journalist Insider:

Judge Zori Dobrianin on the statement of Veran Matia: Do not underestimate this court

Zora Dobrianin Nikodin at the beginning of the trial, declaring it remains to be asked that this evidence is excluded from the proceedings, she also recalled the statement of the President of the Commission to investigate the murder of the journalist Veran Matia

"Belief Mother did not want to be a witness in this procedure in order to be able to follow the trial, now he wants to be the Supreme Court and judge in this procedure. " His statement violated human rights "said court martial Zora Dobrianin Nikodin

At the request of this lawyer, Judge Sneana Jovanovi replied:" Do not underestimate this court.

The Court of Appeal's privilege ruled that this evidence be returned to the court proceedings, counsel for Romia and Radonji continues to argue that this evidence was obtained illegally.

At the request of journalist Insider, for which she decided today to file a request for exclusion of evidence, Dobrianin Nikodin said that she reasoned in the room. audience and then reiterated:

"I am delighted They are read because they are proof that they approached illegally in this case.And I have already testified, as a that lawyer, in the past. "

Asked that the two different sails of the Court of Appeal have taken the same decision that the evidence was obtained legally, Dobrianin Nikodinov said that c & rsquo; Was "when you interpret", asking the journalist Insider "is he a lawyer"? .

Recall, as already indicated the internal spokesperson of the Court of Appeals to the insider, that this court has already established that the evidence was obtained legally.

Slavko Uruvija, journalist and owner of the Daily Telegraph and European Slavo Uruvija, was murdered on August 11, 1999 in Belgrade's Svetogorska Street, in the building of the building where it was used.

The murder of Slavko Uruvija after 16 years of investigation resulted in the charge and the trial that occurred in 2015, after the creation of the Commission of Inquiry. investigation into the killing of journalists.

Radomir Markovi, then mayor of the Belgrade center, Radomir Markovi, was charged with murder, while the principal inspector of the DB's second office, Ratko Romi, is also a member of the DB Miroslav reserve kurak. According to the indictment, Kurak, who was on the run, was shot dead and his co-pilot was a Roma, who, like Radonji, was arrested in January 2014

Witnesses of the BIA on the talks and the movement of the members of Slub at the time of the murder Uruvije

Rui: Kafanske kills vanije od suñenja za ubistvo novinara

"Povratak dokaza a predmet je vrlo vana odluka. Sure, the trial court can make the same decision, or exclude this evidence, this time, I hope, will not happen.It is important to us that the evidence relating to the movement of mobile phones of the accused remains in the case because this is one of the first evidences, especially concerning the accused Romi and Kurak, the day of the murder and the eve of the murder in the area where the crowd was killed "Slobodan Rui told Insider and stressed that he thinks that this trial, in the classification of the murder of former Serbian President Ivan Stamboli and Prime Minister Zoran Injin, does not add to the merit that he deserves, and that although there is a possibility to routinize every day this opportunity has not been exploited.

"It is absurd that the priority in this case is Kafanske killing and that the roots of this murder are not found in the main audience room." Instead of getting married every day for three years , they worked several times a month, "said Rui.

The Insider Report told the court that since the start of the trial in July 2015, 79 were born and

After the trial, after almost three times discussions with the Court of Appeal, it was included in the evidence and gangs of the base stations that the defense of the accused challenged, evidence of courtesy was presented in the hearing room – 17 BIA witness reports showing the movement and communication of the accused from the accused on the day of the liquidation of the journalist Slavko Uruvija

After the decision of the Court of Appeal – who had adopted the Tuilatva albume for the second time and challenged the decision of the Court of First Instance of Vieg Court – part of the registration of Mobtel at the time of the crime in April 1999 – the defense today waived the requirement that this evidence be exempted and the Trial Chamber eventually put it into evidence.

Nearly three-quarters of pingpong lawyers have appeared before appeal courts and special tribunals. The other twice accepted the defendants' allegations and claimed that some of this extraordinary evidence had been illegally taken by Mobtel in 2005. Two different seals of the court of appeal dismissed these claims as unsubstantiated and sent them off to reassess, assessing that everything was legal in the process, Cenzolovka said.

"It is enough for the Mother to attack the court"

This outcry between Vieg (the so-called Special) and the Court of Appeal took place with several procedural unusual decisions, after three years of trial, this process was reversed without unnecessary need, amid the creeping amnesia of the DPS witness, as well as numerous attempts to discredit the witnesses of this police and RDB who provided data indicating the connection of the accused with this case.

Slobodan Rui, children's lawyer Slavko Uruvija, Jelena and Rade, told some court decisions that he "has never seen anything in his career". Despite the testimony of Dragan Kecman, a police inspector, and Nebojoje Anelkov, a worker from Mobtel, who confirmed that the recordings had been made legally, the court nevertheless ruled that they were not doing so under of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

In its first judgment rendered in April, the Court of Appeal made it clear that the disputed documents had been legally seized and that the evidence had been accepted by the Judge of Preliminary Procedures. This persistent insistence on the court martial (Sneana Jovanovi, Vladimir Mesarovi and Dragan Milojevi), who had previously accused Milan Radonjiu and Ratko Romiu of imprisoning the detainees, was condemned by some media, by lawyers, by the Commission of # 39; investigation. the murder of a journalist and its president, Veran Matija, while Serbian judges and one of the Belgrade bar lawyers condemned the statements of Mati as a violation of the independence of the court.

Therefore, lawyer Radonjia and Romia, Zora Dobrianin Nikodinov, explains why she waives the request for separation. She adds that it is obvious that the Court of Appeal did not have time to become familiar with the case. , indirectly charged Matia with his statements affecting the court.

"It is enough for Mother to attack the court It is not enough for her to avoid testifying in this proceeding (while Matiu was allowed to attend the trial, he lost the right to witness , for example, a new), apparently attributing the role of supreme judge, "said Zora Dobrianin Nikodinova. and pointed out that this Mother denied the rights of the man to her and her clients, as well as to the court martial in this proceeding.

Judge Sneana Jovanovi asked the lawyer not to underestimate this court.
The base stations reveal where they were at the time of the murder

Vladimir Marinkov, lawyer of the first defendant Radomir Markovic, noticed that on the police report three signatures, no peats and headers .

He stated that the data in the report represents the information collected from Mobtel's base stations, but that this former mobile operator, or his legal successor, Telekom, has received information that he can not guarantee Trouble of the data. According to Marinkov, the reports are not exhaustive and do not represent the result of the work of the matrices for this type of veto.

Subsequently, the court began to review the evidence or to "get a glimpse" of some of the reports from the base stations on which a specialized security agency source has been working on it. order of the judge of the preliminary proceedings. .

More than 17 extraordinarily wide-spread documents burst into the audience room and quickly scanned the scanned pages, from which, by watching them on the screen of the press room, they could very little discern . Apparently it was a phone call for the communication and movement of the accused Radeta Markovic, Milan Radonjic, Ratko Romi and Miroslav Kurak, as well as other officials of the security service. State from 9 to 12 April 1999, from the Hilandarska and Takovska stations. street in Belgrade. (Uruvia was killed on April 11 in the building where he lived on Svetogorska Street, halfway between Hilandarska and Takovska.)

The base stations provided data on the communication of senior officials of the Department state security Branko Crnog, Frank Simatia, Stevan Nikev, Radovan Boovia, Stevan Baste, Vladimir Nikolay, Dragana Pavia and others.

According to the indictment, the data from the base station clearly indicate that the Roma and Kurak defendants were in close proximity to the crime scene at the time it occurred and that intense communication with Radonji, according to Tuilatvo, leads from Belgrade's RDB center, which was then ejected amidst NATO bombing.

The defense lawyers and the defendants claim that they were not close to the crime, and that they did not have the murder of a journalist who was followed by members of the 9th Department of State Security Department until a few minutes before the liquidation.

Zora Dobrianin Nikodin wanted to include all the documents on the basis of which this report was filed, and then claimed that the police had acted illegally in this case. As the list of these documents took time, Judge Jovanovi required that the lawyer not analyze and not quote all the documents, but only indicate their name.

The request of the Radonjio and Romia Defense Council, Zora Dobrianin Nikodinovi, dismissed as unfounded the decision of the Court to defend them against freedom, that is to say from to be released from house arrest during which the prison was abolished last year. They are forced to carry a nanny, and they do not go out of the house except for a doctor or because of a lawsuit.

Judge Sneana Jovanovi, who announced the September anniversary, advised lawyers and defendants to prepare for the end of the trial. Admittedly, she remained in the assessment of the moment when the trial, which lasts since June 2015, is really overwhelming, but stated that at this point, it is "bli end at the beginning".

The trial will resume on September 21st at 2:30 pm and on September 25th and 26th at 9:30 pm

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