SUMMER ROMANTIKA: Prosidba iznad Meseca for 125 million euros (PHOTO / VIDEO) | Interesting


Tanjug |

July 09, 2018 21:45 |

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Agency ApoteoSurprajz introduces the possibility of placement over the moon from here 2022, which will cost astronomical 125 million euros

Agency "ApoteoSurprajz" introduces the possibility of Placement over the moon from here 2022, which will cost astronomical 125 million euros

The agency says that anyone in love and wealthy can book a fully organized service, but that they will not be able to do so. she will have to undergo physical training and technical training for a period of 12 weeks. [19659005] Will fly from Cape Kanevral to Florida, and arrival in Moonlight's orbit is scheduled three days after takeoff, the statement said.

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When asked, the background will be published The way to the capsule would be similar to that of D & P Apollo 8, 1968. The capsule, which will be able to reach a speed of 38,000 kilometers per hour, will be equipped with a system of eight cameras.

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