That gyms are full of children


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic declared at the opening of the Mionica Arena, the most modern in western Serbia, that the aim was to make this hall jump and to build new halls [19659002] "Children will be able to train here. to develop in a sporting spirit, to hard champions, to learn to play sports … ", said Vucic, adding that 130 million were invested in the room, of which 50 million were allocated by the Public Investment Office , and the rest He invested the municipality of Mionica

As he said, the new hall has FIBA ​​and IHF certificates and will be played in "Thank you, this is not When I came to Mionica for three or four years, few people believed me when I said that we were working seriously and responsibly and that we would get you more wages and pensions. high, you will have higher wages and pensions before the end of the year, they will aspire to years, the public debt will fall and we will keep peace and stability, "said Vucic

. "said the president, adding that he wants to have more children in Serbia, and that the population"

"We want this room to be full of children and that we need to build new halls, "said Vucic.

He pointed out that the Mionica Hall was a danger to passers-by. It began its construction, but it was left for any purpose, and 2017 his construction and renovation were started.

He also stated that he wanted to visit every place in Mionica, to do more for Vrujce, that "Mišićeva" live better than before, to ensure the 39, the future of children in this region, and for that, he points out, he needs hard work. "

Mionica to work with the government and the state, but he must still to be done, no streets to create additional jobs for young people

"In two -. Three years Mionica was made more serious project than in the previous 30 years. We can only do it with you and your support. Because of you, serious and responsible people, who believed in work, and who did not believe in those who did not promise you towers and cities, but they did what they promised, " said Vucic and the support of the citizens of Serbia we would not reach Beijing, Moscow, London, Brussels, Washington, where he represents Serbia as represented.

Mionica has a modern gym which, among others, will be the National Handball Player Training Center

The total area of ​​the hall is 2,900 square meters, and the maximum fall

The completion of work at the gym and the realization of the project of the National Training Center for Handball Mionica paved the way for the participation and organization of many sporting events.The event was organized according to IHF and FIBA ​​standards There will be a training center. for the handball players

The unfinished gym was a scandal in Mionice and the agreement of last summer for the completion of the hall was carried out by the Ministry of Sport. Youth and Sports. The modernization began at the end of last year, which was the largest infrastructure project for Mionica

The unfinished object was abandoned in 1993 for whatever purpose, side of two schools attended by about 800 students.

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