The Albanian minority in Serbia demands the same thing as Serbian in Kosovo


Representatives of Albanians in the three municipalities of southern Serbia on 14 July adopted a declaration calling on Belgrade, Pristina and Brussels to include the status of the Albanian national minority in the negotiation process and the final document of the Brussels Agreement Municipality of Preševo, Bujanovac and Medveđa

The meeting of the political coordinating body, where representatives of all the Albanian parties of the local parliaments of these three municipalities sat, is held in Bujanovac and the statement was unanimously approved

Shaip Kamberi, mayor of Bujanovac According to Radio Slobodna Evropa, Albanian politicians from southern Serbia said in Belgrade that Albanians are faced with many problems, listed in the "seven-point plan" on affirmative measures of Albanians in the Presevo Valley since 2013. [19659002] The point of view is that the issue of minority rights in the Western Balkans should be standardized, says Camberi. 59002] "Serbs in Kosovo, as the case may be in the Community of Serb Municipalities, have the right to have second-instance judicial organs, for example, the Court of First Instance was extinguished in Presevo. basic court, but there is no prosecution.Therefore, a certain type of decentralization and respect for the most basic standards of participation in the work of public and state institutions, representing a minority in these institutions, in education, recognition of Kosovo diplomas and other documents related to the social issues of our citizens. "" src = "" />

Shaap Kamberi

Alexander Popov, director of the Center for Regionalism, considers it unrealistic to expect the problems of the Serbian minority in Kosovo to be resolved in the Brussels dialogue . and Albanian in the south of Serbia because, he adds, each country has its own normative system governing the rights of minorities:

"Somewhere these rights are settled on the basis of bilateral agreements with the Croatia, Hungary, Romania and Macedonia Minority rights are fully distributed in Europe in different ways, so there is no model here.We recall that the Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ivica Dacic, commented this week, warning the Albanian representatives of Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja "not to play", adding that "every patience has limits. "

" Pristina will not respect what it has signed with the Brussels Agreement concerning the Community of Serbian Municipalities, and we are talking here about what they are now seeking to assert certain rights that they do not have. What rights do they have? So, I advise them not to play. Every tolerance has limits. We will react politically and, if necessary, in another way, "said Mr. Dacic to the" margins "of" Serbs and Albanians "in Belgrade.

This is the government headed by Ivica Dacic, representatives of Albanians from the three municipalities in southern Serbia in 2013, sent a "seven-point plan", which lists the problems of this national community.

In June of the same year, the government of Dacic accepted these requests in the form of information from the coordinating body for Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja, recalls Shaip Kamberi.

According to him, the Albanian representatives met twice with Prime Minister Anne Brnabic and once in June, with President Aleksandar Vucic, to whom they had submitted their requests in writing, but no progress has been made to solve the problem.

Kamberi adds that the statement in Serbian, in Albanian and in English will be send In Belgrade, Pristina and "We ask all interlocutors of the dialogue that the issues concerning the rights of Albanians in this region are the subject of a Brussels agreement, because, besides the realization of this intergovernmental agreement Kosovo can not believe that relations with Serbia are relaxed until the Albanian position in the Presevo Valley is unsatisfactory, "says Kamberi.

eksandar popov regards this statement as "a part of the latest games" before the adoption of a legally binding agreement in Brussels, ie an attempt to reinstate the proposal on the exchange of territories, which was also debated several times by Serbian officials. This scenario for Popova is unlikely:

"Most of the international community, especially the party involved in the choice of the Pristina-Kosovo agreement, will not favor the possibility of dividing the territory of Kosovo because the Popov's process recalls that Presevo, Bujanovac and Medvedja are among the poorest municipalities. They should work on the prosperity of the south and not on the divisions: Aleksandar Popov "src =" F4F1-42A2-9D31-507F484C8826_w250_r1_s.jpg "/>

He should work on the prosperity of the South, not on the divisions: Aleksandar Popov

in Serbia, and stresses that the state should do more to ensure that the people who live there, regardless of their nationality, have a perspective:

"There is no variant of cohesion there, which means that Serbia is actively working for this part becomes more prosperous and works more to integrate the communities that live there: the communities Roma, Serbian and Albanian. "Concludes Popov

A new round of dialogue in Brussels at the presidency level will be held on 18 July, when the Serbian and Kosovan leaders meet Aleksandar Vucic and Hashim Thaçi [19659002] Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj, Deputy Prime Minister Kadri Veselji and Deputy Prime Ministers Bedzet Pacolli, Fatmir Limaj and Dardan Gashi travel to Brussels with the President of Kosovo

How to write the newspaper Pristina "Koha Ditore" According to this newspaper, a document that identifies the "red lines" in the dialogue with Belgrade was adopted before the road. According to the newspaper, they will meet Federika Mogerini, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security, but will not attend a meeting with the Serbian President, since only the Presidents of Kosovo and Serbia are invited to this meeting

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