The army and the police presented themselves to the citizens of Subotica


The rally took place in Subotica, marking the year of the work of the Serbian Government, attended by the Minister of Police Nebojša Stefanović and the Minister of Defense Aleksandar Vulin

  Army, Subotica

Brnabić thanked the ministers Stefanović and Vulin for everything they made so that the police and the army are closer to the citizens and thus symbolically show that the Serbian government is there for the citizens, to provide them, to protect them and to improve their life. "We have a lot more work to build Serbia. are a good indicator of what we will do every day and we will do our best, because we have managed to increase security services, invest a lot, restore our technology, our knowledge and at least return a little to the standard of living. The Prime Minister added that the government would continue to invest in the police and stressed that she was pleased that the law on the construction of apartments for members of the security services was adopted, and that September for go to "

" I would also like to thank the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, because the former saw the need to get the security services up and to reconnect with the citizens. After the visit of the tactical technical committee, Minister Stefanovic said that he was proud of the results obtained by the Serbian government and the Ministry of the Interior in one year, and pointed out that the police

Stefanovic pointed out that the Ministry of the Interior has achieved good results in the seizure of narcotics and the fight against organized crime, that more than 14 major organized crime groups have been broken, the axis "We will continue to we will fight relentlessly against crime, there will be no criminals in the streets of Serbia who will feel safe. "This is a guarantee of the Ministry of the Interior. We will continue to be an important segment of society support in education and prevention and for better results, "said Stefanovic.

Stefanovic thanked the Prime Minister and the Government of Serbia for their support We have bought a new vehicle, improved weapons and equipment, but we are also working on the purchase of new helicopters, the renovation of buildings, the training of staff, as we want the police to be well trained and equipped to protect their lives.the minister said that the police were always with his people, that he was always there to protect him and that our children had to know that he was the policeman with whom he could communicate, seek help.

Defense Minister Aleksan Vulin said that the Ministry of the Interior, the Agency of Security and Information e t the Ministry of Defense establish a unique security system of the Republic of Serbia.

"We are all making Serbia safe and secure, we are here to ensure that all children in our country have the security, the right to develop, the right to progress," Vulin said, adding that Serbian army is able to protect the integrity and all levels of our country. Vulin thanked the President of the Republic of Serbia Vucic and the presidents and all members of the government for the great understanding that they demonstrate when it comes to the need to improve the standards of the 39, army and invest in his equipment. [19659004] As part of the action of community policemen, the citizens of Subotica had the opportunity to learn about the skills and work methods of the police officers and the equipment that they used, and the program was specially adapted to younger fellow citizens

the help of the members of the special anti-terrorist unit climbs on the artificial wall, learns to safely cross the street at an improvised pedestrian crossing, and in association with the police, firemen and the enjoyment of firefighters are indispensable

Attention Subotic, And each time by organizing this quote, it attracted a company of horses, official dogs, vehicles and motorcycles, as well as arts martial evidence by members of the Gendarmerie.

Citizens have had the opportunity to meet the use of the criminal police to clarify crimes and identify perpetrators, for example by causing papillary fingerprints.

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