The artificial intelligence plays Quake III better than humans


Artificial Intelligence is becoming more and more sophisticated day by day, from match to match, as we have already joined the OpenAl bots team to compete on the chip, and now the intelligence artificial Google, from the DeepMind team.

This AI is learning to play the famous shooter, Quake III, and very advanced in this area as they started literally from scratch, with no instructions solely for the purpose of fighting one team against the other.
The bots managed to learn the rules of the game mode Capture the Flag in more than 450,000 games, but also additional things like camping, protecting their own flag and merging with other fighters for more success.
In addition to the fact that these agents, as the developers call them, manage to play the FCE, they are determined to test the game against the right people, but also as companions. . Bots have shown significantly …

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