The average net salary covers 45% of the consumption basket


BANJALUKA – The highest average net remunerations in Republika Srpska in June were paid in the area of ​​financial and insurance activities, ie 1,345 KM or 2.24% more than the majors, while that the Unions state that the average low net wages in June received employees in administrative and auxiliary services of 572 KM, then in the construction of 558 KM, and in the field of entertainment and recreation arts 575 KM [19659002] The average monthly salary of employees in the trade amounted to 622 KM, real estate 632 KM, transportation and storage 636 KM, and manufacturing industry 656 KM

Net Payments means paid in June covered expenses from 29.74% to 35.48%

The consumption basket of a quadruple family in Republika Srpska in June rose to 1,879.73 KM and the salary average on net wages in April of 849 KM he covered it a with 45.17 percent.

At the same time, the total consumer price in May compared to May was down 0.2 percent, and the lowest was the most expensive clothing and footwear by 2.5 percent

. Most family households in Republika Srpska spent 697.81 KM in June for food, 568.87 KM for housing and communal services, and 105.25 KM for routine household maintenance.

Clothing and footwear cost 135.88 KM, hygiene and health care 89.31 KM, transport 200.23 KM, and education and culture 82.38 KM

"From the data below above, it is clear that in Republika Srpska for a long time to sign the collective and collective collective agreements, and to increase wages and improve the standard of living of all workers is a constant process.This would alleviate migration educated and working-age workers who are increasingly working abroad, "says the Federation of the Union of Republika Srpska.

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