The bloody month that will be paid on Friday only brings trouble, we must pay attention to the following things!



07/25/2018. 14:20


Photo: AP

The bloody month that will appear in the sky on Friday, July 27, will cause us a lot of problems. In fact, astrologers say that on Friday we will all be extremely emotional, and we should not be separated from maramica paper.

Although this is the longest eclipse of the century, astrologers say that it will have a very strong influence on emotions, love and family ties and, in general, on the privacy of each individual

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As quoted by a famous astrological portal, the anger and frustration that Mars produces could turn into stupid behavior because of the influence d & # 39; Urania.

"A rather weaker influence Saturn will help people to quiver faster, and some stars will help with patience and determination, but it is also possible that these stars produce aggression and emotional problems," say the portraits of King Astrology

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In all the advice to be ready for what is going to be pass through your heart and mind

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