The characters of the saints were shown while the masters were painting a chapel in the garrison of the Serbian army!


Požarevac – During the reconstruction of the chapel in the fire brigade after the plastering of the mortar, frescoes were discovered for the general surprise of the locals

A scene similar to that of the film "Time of Miracles".

As already wrote Kurir, in the church of the non-believing saints Kozma and Damjan His Primate, the bishop of Ignatius, the bourgeois gentleman, served the recent liturgy for the first time after renewal. The church, which was an integral part of the diocesan complex, was restored by members of the Serbian Military Union

The workers who rebuilt a military chapel in the Fire Garrison Command building were surprised when the bleak began. to fall from the walls. Assuming these are valuable works, the workers continued to carefully remove the mortar from the walls and ceiling, where the frescoes appeared. The frescoes depict the figures of saints Kozma and Damjan, Jesus Christ, the Virgin and the Enlightenment of Saint Sava

"The discovery of these frescoes is a great spiritual event, not only for us, but for all the Enlarged people. to completely restore all the frescoes, but not on their own, so we are now waiting for experts from the relevant institutions.They will make a plan for the reconstruction and supervision of this work, "says Goran Marić, Council member Administration of the Serbian Military Union

He adds that at the end of the reconstruction, all citizens will be able to visit this military chapel and see frescoes on the walls. military is located in the command of the garrison of Pozarevac, in a building that was built in the 1930s. It was completed before the Second World War, and it is dedicated to Saints Kozmi and D This temple belonged to the diocesan complex, but the church never used it, but the Germans moved in during the war, and after the end of the war, it was used by the church. army. In the military chapel, besides the frescoes, there are icons and all the necessary for the service of the religious rituals, while the altar is in a smaller room

"In the military chapel, besides the Until now, we have completed about 90 percent of the works, there are only a few other buildings, as well as the restoration of frescoes on the walls and ceiling. the help of donors, who understood the value of this area and decided to help us "- says Marić.

Kurir / Novosti


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