THE DRIVER OF THE CAR IN KAFIĆ IN BANOVO BRDU: I thought I had killed someone, I cut it! (PHOTO) | Black chronicle


I left the car for ten minutes and went to the bank. When I came back, it was not there. I thought that a spider had been taken by him, but the nearby laundry workers said that the car had slammed into the cafe. I do not know how it happened, I probably did not take the manual manually.

That is, as we informally discover, the driver DB (25), whose car romeo alpha, around 11:25 today, entered the bar Mil Grin in Požeška street in Banovo Brdo .

Two wounded

The epilogue of an accident that has not in any way turned into tragedy is two wounds: a woman (67) and a man (68). They were transported with minor injuries to the emergency center. When the car was taken to a cafe, the vehicle, which was parked downhill, just started, rushed down the steep street and slammed into the glass part of the bar.

The eyewitnesses who came to the scene told the scene that the scene was scary, and that the wounded man and the woman were sitting outside at the table, and that it was a real pleasure that at this moment there were no more guests.

– Everything went incredibly fast. The car went uncontrollably in a riotback, and right to a coffee. The injured man and woman saw and got up chairs, but they had no place to escape. It turned out that they had waited for them to hit them. He pinned them and knocked them down, "the witness told the Courier.

According to him, the owner of the frantic romea alpha quickly came to the scene of the accident and was out of shock.

– When he approached the car and saw a bloody woman next to them, he grabbed his head. Realizing that she was slightly hurt, the young man said, "I thought I had killed someone, I cut it!" If he wanted to do something like that, he would surely never get his hand, "says our interlocutor.

photo: Jelena Rafailovic

Blood and heart

The scene that a Kurir journalist found on Požeška Street was frightening. The broken glass was on all sides, and next to the car, there were visible traces of blood and a woman's slipper, which probably hit the woman's foot.

– This looks terrible! Thank God, there was no crowd in this part of the cafe, otherwise who knows what it would be. The broken blood, heart and chairs look like a scene from a movie – our interlocutor describes.

"Alfa romeo" after the accident was not in working order, so that the employees of "Parking service" took out coffee, after the police conducted a investigation.

Similar disasters
The car has already flown in the gardens

This is unfortunately not the first time the car enters the coffee garden. Last year, in October, a drunk driver drove a Ford for a walkway in the pedestrian zone of Knez Mihailova Street and slammed into tables in the coffee garden. On this occasion, a girl was found on the spot, just like the driver himself. A similar accident occurred in April 2015, when five people were injured. Then the car of the brand "polo" entered the coffee gardens at King Alexander's Boulevard.

( Rafailović / Photo: Jelena Rafailović)


DRAMA TO BANOVO BRDU: The car entered a cafe, two wounded! Car parking service outings (KURIR TV)


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