The EU seeks the formation of the ZSO without delay


According to the Pristina newspaper, the EU expects at the same time that all agreements between Belgrade and Pristina will be implemented without delay.

  Community of Serbian Municipalities jpg

"The ZSO / ASO will be formed within the legal framework of Kosovo, the main general elements that the two parties achieved in 2015", said EU officials in Zeri

. The Kosovo government, however, is determined not to create an ZSO under the Brussels Agreement. with some members of Kosovo

Otherwise, on April 20 of this year, exactly five years have elapsed since the signing of the Brussels Agreement and the Association of Serbian Municipalities provided for in this agreement does not include was not formed.

For this reason, the Serbian list the government stated that if Pristina does not form a ZSO in the near future, the Serbs will do it by themselves.

In order to reduce tensions, the EU has given Pristina a period of three and a half months to fulfill the obligation Vucic has been several times since then o do not think that Pristina will respect this deadline.

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