The family decides to donate organs | Society


B. Radivojevic |

July 17, 2018 7:30 AM |

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in the laws of the Assembly regulating the areas of cells and tissues, transplantation and control of psychoactive substances. Although informed consent is introduced, the family will have the right of veto

If an individual does not plead for life to oppose the taking of his tissues and organs in case of brain death, he may do so at the moment of his death. Thus, according to the proposal of the new law on cells and human tissues and the bill on the transplantation of human bodies, which will be, with the amendments to the law on controlled psychoactive substances, the rights of citizens who will not not be potential donors of organs and tissues after passing expressions to the presumption of donation approval, which is introduced by amending the law.

Read more: DONATION OF AUTHORITY: The Father by tears gave his consent

the ability to prohibit the donation of their tissues at the time of brain death in a form written or oral life. Although the role of the family has never been questioned in the bill, a provision has been formally passed that he can make such a decision for his member when he does not. Has not previously returned.

Read more: The law on body transplants has so far been regulated by the law on body transplantation, but it has been recognized that the applicable law regulating the field of transplantation does not recognize not the importance of defining and organizing human jobs. Similarly, the conditions under which these tasks may be performed are not specified and include the tasks of donating, obtaining, testing, processing, preserving, storing, distributing, and applying human cells and tissues to humans. This has led to a long-standing poor practice of conducting procedures in health facilities in this area, but without defining conditions at the republic level as they will be achieved. One of the drawbacks was that the institutions that could be a human tissue bank were not clearly defined, which is why they were not even formed.

ON THE LIST OF CHECK 2,000 PERSONS An organ transplant program which, counting and cornea, there are nearly 2,000 people waiting, Serbia needs more donors, and we let's count on the new law to move in this direction. In 2017, there were 40 cadaveric organ donors, in the brain dead state. 92 transplants were performed – 62 kidneys, 23 liver and seven hearts. Although significant progress has been made in the field of transplantation, just under six donors per million inhabitants are too small for a serious transplant program. Slovenia, for example, has between 25 and 30, and Croatia has 40 donors per million inhabitants

– Things are changing considerably: the bill on human cells and tissues defines health institutions who can do business in this area, as well as the conditions that must be met by human tissue banks – Berislav Vekić, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Health, said at the Health Committee meeting and the family.

– The new law stipulates the simplification of authorization procedures for health care facilities and the creation of an information system in the aforementioned field.

In order to develop the field of human cells and tissues according to the highest standards of medical science and practice in Serbia, it is necessary to define the hematopoietic stem cell provider registry, which makes it possible to find donors unrelated and provide cells to be transplanted.

The bill provides for the adoption of a program of transplantation of human organs. which will be unique in the territory of the Republic of Serbia and will define clear procedures and procedures regarding the organization, teams and funding of the whole process of transplantation of human organs and cells and human tissues

] MP Dusan Mi Lisavljevic (DS) says he supports the proposed laws because they will not help any political party, but people who lose their lives in the fight against their own disease because There is no adequate organ, and the possibility of being transplanted at least for a significant number of patients:

– Serbia, with the disintegration of 39; Former Yugoslavia began bombing Slovenia and Croatia, which implemented a legal solution that, following the success of the transplant program, reached European countries.
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