The first verdict for the rebellion of the "Red Berets"


A special department of the High Court of Belgrade will today announce the first trial verdict of the armed rebellion of the Special Operations Unit (JSO) in November 2001.

The Trial Was finished on June 28 after more than five and a half years. Although they receive a formal epilogue, those who have followed this case from the beginning do not expect to receive answers to many open questions – mainly about the connection between this event and the Prime Minister's killing. Serbian Zoran Djindjic, who took part in the same actors a year and a half

According to the indictment, JSO canceled the commander 's obedience from 9 to 17 November 2001, fired the members in their center about 150 kilometers north of Belgrade in the city of Kula, interrupted communications with the command The Minister of the Interior and Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic to stop the insurgency.

The JSO device blocked auctions twice with combat vehicles and gunmen. toput – on November 10, the Novi Sad – Subotica highway, and two days later a road through Belgrade, on the side Gazela New Belgrade

. they do not accept his request for the dismissal of the then Minister of Police, Dusan Mihajlovic, head of the State Security Department, Goran Petrovic and his deputy Zoran Mijatovic. "

  Members of the Red Berets, photo archive

19659002]" Unfortunately, I do not think that there will be a point, regardless of the judgment, "said the journalist of the weekly NIN, Vuk Cvijic, on the eve of his announcement The case has been tried by the court for more than five years but, as Cvijic points out, "only direct executors of the JSO order, with their command, orders "

In the case of the" JSO Rebellion ", former commanders of this unit, Ulemek and Zvezdan Jovanovic, who are serving maximum prison sentences in the firemen's prison for the most serious crimes, including the murder of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic

Dusan Maricic, who is serving a sentence of several weeks on the eve of the September elections, was kidnapped and killed by former president of the Serbian presidency, Ivan Stambolic, [19659002] Five other members of the JSO, who defend freedom, are accused of rebellion: "The JSO was the fist of Slobodan Milosevic's regime. It is the unit in which he is the most materially invested and who had the most modern equipment during Milosevic, "recalls Cvijic. 19659002] The Office of the Prosecutor for Organized Crime suggested that Ulemek be sentenced to 12 years in prison for organizing an armed rebellion, although he was not the head of the JSO during the insurgency but had an impact on the Resor unit.

  Milorad Ulemek, 2004.

Milorad Ulemek, 2004.

For Zvezdana Jovanovic, the Prosecution proposed a ten-year prison sentence, while Mica Petracovic and Dragoslav Krsmanovic requested five years of imprisonment. jail. For Veselin Lecic, he proposed four years in prison and Dragis Rodic and Vladimir Potic three years in prison

As for Dusan Maricic, medical expertise was found to be unable to follow the trial, so the proceedings against him were fractionated

. The JSO rebellion was motivated by the arrest of brothers Nenad and Predrag Banovic, indicted by the Hague Tribunal for crimes committed in the Keraterm camp near Prijedor, and the unity was against the cooperation with The Hague

. and requests that could be considered political, including those relating to the adoption of a law on co-operation with The Hague, advocated by the Democratic Party of Serbia of the President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Vojislav Kostunica

  Vojislav Kostunica, 2010.

Vojislav Koštunica, 2010.

Although members of the Unity came out into the street in uniform, armed with combat vehicles, Kostun At that time, Milorad Ulemek quoted Milorad Ulemek at the press conference without mentioning it under the name "that doctors hit in blouses", which was partly explained by the support of the armed rebellion. "

Some of them said that they did not have any other uniforms than they did.The doctor has his uniform, somebody the other one has his clothes, and they appeared in their work clothes and every day, "said Vojislav Kostunica

.The JSO rebellion ended after Zoran Djindjic agreed to do some and sacked the deputy chief of staff of Goran Petrovic and his deputy, Zoran Mijatovic, and in their place, placed Andri Savic and Milorad Bracanovic, near Milorad Ulemek.

Bracanovic was sentenced to two years in prison for concealing a crime in 2007 at the trial for the murder of Ivan Stambolic

In March 2003, Djindjic in cooperation with members of a criminal Zemun clan, killed some of the same actors who now await the verdict for the insurgency, and the insurgency itself is described as an event that was an introduction to the Prime Minister's murder.

"It is a kind of event, an opening that led to the assassination of Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic, a series of interconnected events … But, unfortunately, I do not see this verdict and this procedure At the end of 2010, the mother and sister of the assassinated prime minister, Zoran Djindjic, lodged a complaint against Ulemek, but also against Vojislav Koštunica and the head of the Military Security Service, Aco Tomić, for the rebellion Red Berets

.] Tomic was sacked in April 2003, not a month after the assassination of the Prime Minister, and the day after the transfer, he was arrested as part of the police operation "Sablja." His name was among the 44 accused of the Special Prosecutor in the case of the murder of the Prime Minister, but for lack of evidence, the prosecution was withdrawn and the state paid a heavy compensation to Tomic

.) and his sister Gordana Djindjic Filipovic, o He was also prosecuted against Zvezdan Jovanovic and five former members of the JSO command. The application was lodged by the lawyer of Srđo Popović, who has since died.

Srdja Popovic, at the time of filing a criminal complaint, said that "the insurgency was an introduction to the murder of the Prime Minister." March 2012, and the trial began in October this year.

The indictment included only direct participants and Kostunica was not heard as a witness.

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