The largest American fair to go from winter to summer?


The Detroit auto show, which is traditionally held in January, is scheduled to be held in June 1966.

The past few months, information has been released that the Fairmakers of Detroit, which apply to the most significant event of its kind in North America.

One of the main reasons for changing the term is adverse weather conditions in this northern US city in January.

Due to low temperatures and snow, the organizers were not in the same situation. the possibility that during the fair part of the activity will move to an open space, beyond the fairground, and thus expand the content and attract more visitors.

It has been speculated that the new term for auto shows would be in June or October. As discovered by the Automotive News, the decision fell in June, and an official confirmation is expected soon.

If it turns out that this information is accurate, Detroit will fill the void in the world's big trade show calendar and "jump" between spring and first (depending on whether it's going to be a good thing). Steam or odd years)

The current term of January is not favorable to Detroit for another reason. In recent years, a major competition has been held at the Electronics Consumer Electronics Show (CES), which also takes place in January, but earlier on Sunday.

This event takes place in Las Vegas and has recently attracted car manufacturers to CES.

As electronics is increasingly represented in the automotive industry, including power supply systems, manufacturers have chosen Las Vegas as the world 's first of their new models.

in Detroit, of course, did not fit with the overly-dense layout of the auto show on the North American continent, since the Los Angeles Fair, increasingly important, is holding at the end of November and at the Chicago Fair in February

. the question is whether the month of June is the right time because promotional activities in the automotive industry are the most common in the early summer, both because of the seasonal vacations and the fact that it is too early to present the model for next year, and too late to launch the cars scheduled for the current year


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