The next Apple iPhone will not use Qualcomm's wireless chips


  The next Apple iPhone will not use the wireless chips from Qualcomm

Apple and Qualcomm have not been in shape since a certain time, and this status could have a practical impact in the near future. During the financial report, George Davis – Chief Financial Officer at Qualcomma, pointed out that the company estimates that Apple will only use Qualcomm's rival modems in its upcoming iPhone models (read: Intel).

Whereas Qualcomm surely knows if Apple The customer of the company, so close to the release date of the new iPhone models, is likely that the famous chip maker has been identified this time with the list of Apple parts.

This kind of situation is certainly not a surprise. As early as October 2017, information emerged that Apple wanted to design iPhone models without Qualcomm parts. Relations between the two companies have not improved in the meantime. It would not be strange that Apple is fully committed to Intel for its wireless chips in the future. Intel was the only other company to provide chips in the past.

That Apple only chooses Intel remains to be seen. Some sources have previously suggested that Apple had rejected Intel's Bluetooth and WiFi components for their mobile devices expected in 2020 . This suggests that the commitment of Intel, as a supplier for Apple, will not last long.

Source: Engadget

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