The notary public filed a complaint against the lawyer


The notary public Zoran Rafailovic announced that the Belgrade Bar had filed a lawsuit against Dragoslav Ljubicanovic's lawyer.

Source: Beta

  Illustrations: Thinkstock

Illustration: Thinkstock

As alleged, he did so because the lawyer "overcame and physically attacked the employees in his public service."

As Rafailovic Ljubicanovic made an incident today when his request for certain property to become an inheritance was not respected, after which he began to be a notary public and recorder, and he had to be priest.

"Everything was pronounced live and violent, after which the hearing was interrupted, but he (Ljubičanović) refused to leave the hearing as well as the office and continued to cry, and has finally attacked the employees in my public telegraph office Srđan Mitrović and Mladen Kaljević, who nudged her in the face, and she shot me with an obvious intention to hit me in the face, calling me "Fool," said Rafailovic in a statement against a lawyer.

He adds that lawyer Ljubicanovic had caused general disorder and panic among employees and many customers in the office, from the same and far away.

Earlier in the day, the Belgrade Bar Association and the Belgrade Bar Association condemned the attack of the lawyer of Dragoslav Ljubicanovic and called on the competent authorities to take the measures s more urgent to identify injured people.

The prosecutor's chamber also condemned the "mistreatment of notary public Zoran Rafailovic", as well as the exchange of legal arguments that resulted in a physical assault against a lawyer.

"Rafailovic not only failed to reveal the identity of those present in the inheritance process and refused to record that there was an inventory of the insolvency of the Insolvent, but rather to inform the lawyer that he must act in accordance with the law and find such property, refused to do so and ordered his employees to leave the lawyer from the office, "said the chamber.

They add that the notary public has a special responsibility in the conduct of the proceedings and that it is necessary to establish the order by calling the police, not by force of his employees

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