The old man Ugljanin – when he's not in power, causes it


Call the head of Kosovar diplomacy in Novi Pazar, a ban on reactions arriving and angry – "It's a disgusting piece, so many times already seen and already boring."

Aida Corovic

First of all, Sulejman Ugljanin appeals to Boldian de Pacolli at a very delicate moment, when we see the end of the talks between Belgrade and Pristina: the powers of the president BNV do not have any effect. have nothing to do with the invitation of foreign ministers, especially Kosovo. Old Ugljanin manir – when n The reaction of the authorities in Belgrade was so intensified that it seemed to me: the authorities have their duty of troublemakers, and when they must play political purity and defend the interests of the country, the troublemakers do their homework. Then the advertisement is lifted, everyone jumps, Vucic lets his pulse respond abruptly, it's a disgusting piece, already so often seen and already boring … I have no evidence, but all is Pristina and Be Belgrade are behind the scenes They are more troubling and we push ourselves that they seem to be on the brink of conflict and we applaud them all when they sign what they have to sign because the The European administration is dragging them by the ears, "said Ćorović.

Recalling that Ugljanin was a government minister whom he called "Serbian nationalist", interlocutor of Dojče Velea said that all politicians of Sandžak and others, when they are in power, celebrate this power.

"By the time you are not part of a political establishment and cease to be a sine qua non, you become the biggest enemy, threatening Sandzak and Serbia to burn, as the # 1 39, said another politician and religious leader.Zukorlic has been trying to reach an agreement with all the presidents of the state and the government since 2000, but now he succeeded because I think Zukorlic and Vucic have found A lot of common interests. Rasim Ljajic is the traditional minister in every government since 2000, he learned lessons and knows how to swim – what he would call someone like slush and half But Zukorlic is currently the key man of Aleksandar Vucic in Sandzak.Ugljanin is now like an unwanted child who has his own toy, the Bosnian National Council, and sometimes unhappy with the real sound. But it seems to me that he is still "In a kind of love with the Belgrade authorities, he plays the role of a bad boyfriend of a family when he needs the authorities," Corovic says. American colony of Kosovo

Source: Dojče Vele

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