The Požega mortar took the material, did not pay Chronicle


Tanjug |

July 5, 2018 09:47 |

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Police arrested a man suspected of being responsible for the Pozega store responsible for the production and sale of raspberry. He damaged a company from which he was taking equipment and materials for about 1,866,000 dinars [19659003TheInteriorMembersinPožegasurordredaytheParkofThisgovernmentwillreportonthePožegoofa50-year-oldshavebeenclassifiedfromcriminalpracticefacilitatedintheexerciseofeconomicactivitiesandtheofficiallyofficialmarking

As head of the trade of Pozega, responsible for the production and sale of raspberries, he suspected the company of stealing equipment and materials for about 1,866,000 dinars for the benefit of his operation. PU Požega

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He is suspected of having taken This equipment and material in 2016 required him to repay his debt when he sells raspberries.

Under the pretext that he did not give birth to raspberries, he continued to take the equipment of the damaged company with a promise to repay the debt in 2017.

There doubted and did not record his debts in his business books committed a criminal offense in forging a document, the statement stated

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