The ruling majority decides the radical – Politics


In the Serbian parliament, 58 signatures of members of the delegation requesting the agenda inscription of the deputy vice president of the Veda Radete Assembly for the shame of Hatidzi Mehmedović, the President of the Association "Mother of Srebrenica". PD

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picture: Fonet

"data-medium-file ="×169.jpg "data-large-file =" /wp-content/uploads/2016/09/0501fonet.jpg”/>Photo: Fonet

The movement is now the majority in power, on which depends the fate of this initiative. Some ruling parties like SDPS Rasim Ljajic have announced that they will vote for the resignation.

As our list has already been written, to be considered if an initiative is to be put on the agenda, it should be supported by at least 30 deputies. The Radical Initiative was launched by the Democratic Party, while PDL Cedomir Jovanovic went a step further by suggesting to the opposition not to enter the meeting room while Radete did not go into the meeting room while was not voted.

Tatjana Macura, led by MPs Before, there were enough, LSV and others. The public was interested in setting up a Righteous Opposition, but until now, no clear answer. Sanda Rašković Ivić of the Popular Party declared that he would vote for the resignation of Radete

. However, Radetina SRS leader and The Hague criminal Vojislav Seselj said FoNet said no one would let him go. Seselj argues that Radetina is "clumsy, and he does not understand the essence" and "he was told that Hatidza Mehmedovic's husband and two sons actually live, as was recently discovered that his son Munire Subasic lives in Canada. "Seselj also resumed work for the late president of" Srebrenica's mother, "claiming that he was" the ultimate amoral person who has repeatedly accused the Serbs of genocide. " Let us remind you that on the death verdict, Radeta on his Tviter order issued a comment "I Read Dead by Hatidza Mehmetovic of the Srebrenica Business Association. Who will bury him. Husband or son? "Hatidži Mehmedovic was killed in Srebrenica by her husband Abdulah (44) and the sons of Almir (18) and Azmir (21), who were later buried in the analysis. DNA as well as two brothers

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