The Samsung Galaxy A (2019) series could get a system with three cameras at the back


  The Samsung Galaxy A Series (2019) Could Have A System With Three Cameras At The Back

Companies Like Samsung Typically Retain The Bonus Features And Features For Their Best Phones , like those of Galaxy S and Notes series. However, if recent reports are accurate, it seems that Samsung could have some of its high-end features and mid-range phones.

Korea's report suggests that Samsung could implement three cameras on the back of its series of Galaxy phones Part of the mid-segment line of the company. This is particularly interesting because Samsung has not yet a three camera camera on its back, although there are rumors that it will implement the Galaxy S10 next year.

In addition to implementing the three-sensor camera in the Galaxy A series that the South Korean company also plans to insert a fingerprint sensor in the display in the Galaxy A.

As the number of more Chinese manufacturers appearing in their affordable phones to get the bonus features, Samsung is obviously under pressure as the three cameras and the on-screen fingerprint sensor l & # 39; 39, bring it to its center line to remain competitive.

Source: Ubergizmo

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