The head of the Samsung Mobile DJ Koh Division pointed out that the future Galaxy S10 will not use fingerprint sensor
The reason is that the experience with this type of sensor is bad and the company wants to publish the fingerprint sensor. did even two years ago
By all means, Samsung wants to offer a better screen sensor experience and because of this company does not hesitate to announce it, so the function will be implemented the right way.
The Universe has released information that Samsung plans to bring its fingerprint sensor to the Galaxy S10 screen, as well as to others. more affordable lines, such as the Galaxy A (2019).
Qualcomm is expected to provide a technology that will stand behind new unlocking techniques, in terms of ultrasonic fingerprint sensor, which differ from optical solutions developed by other companies.
The same report also suggests that a larger number of Samsung phones will receive a fingerprint sensor on the screen for 2019.
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