"The silence of Belgrade means consent, Pacoli comes to NP"


Jetzir Ziberaj, adviser to the Pacolli Bulletin, said that Pristina had received no official response from Belgrade regarding Pacolli's plan to come to Novi Pazar

Source: Tanjug

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Ziberaj adds "silence means leave to visit". "Pacoli will travel to Novi Pazar tomorrow to attend a Bosnian forum.This means that he will go to Sandzak, on the basis of the Brussels agreement on freedom of movement." received no official answer, but silence means permission to visit ". in a statement for the Gazprom Ekspres based in Pristina.

Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic said today that he would not appear before the meeting of Minister Bozzet Pacolli as Kosovo's Foreign Minister and representatives of the Bosnian National Council (BNV) in Novi Pazar. KiM director Marko Djuric said yesterday that no one would be allowed to represent the institutions of the so-called false state of Kosovo, and that anyone in the Raška region endanger the rights of citizens and violate relations ethnic.

Djuric said at a press conference about the invitation of Sulejman Ugljanin to Behgjet Pacolli to visit Sandzak at the head of Kosovo's diplomacy, and felt that nothing would happen passed by chance.

According to Tanjug, Pacoli will probably stay in Novi Pazar tomorrow, but on a private visit and as a private citizen.

Pacolli, BNV Sulejman Ugljanin, invited to visit as Foreign Minister of Kosovo, which Serbia does not recognize.

BNV planned, according to Tanjug information, a solemn reception at noon in his premises, and then a tribune in the building of the Municipal Assembly of Novi Pazar, to which Pacoli should also attend.

Unofficially, the Pristina deputy liaison officer in Belgrade is unofficially present,

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