The surface of the Earth is based on billions of tons of diamonds – News – Life


Under the surface of the Earth is a huge treasure trove of billions of tons of diamonds, said scientists at the prestigious Technology Institute (MIT) of the US state of Massachusetts.

Source: Beta

  Thinkstock / Illustration

Thinkstock / Illustration

However, the researchers warned that for the moment there is no rush to them as they are between 145 and 240 kilometers under the surface of the planet, much deeper than before wells and technological options.

"We can not reach them and we have many more diamonds than we thought," Ulrih Fol said, adding that the diamond is not just an exotic mineral but something relatively common to the whole Earth.

Using seismology to analyze how sound waves cross the Earth, scientists discovered rocks that cover terrestrial hemp by creating a sheath around it.

After further exploration, it was discovered that diamonds and earth had beneath their surface much more jewelry than they had originally thought.

Scientists added that these diamonds will not be found soon in expensive branches because they would need extremely strong volcanic eruptions to get closer to the Earth's surface, and such eruptions occur very rarely

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