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Belgrade – The Domaa Dina card increases the number of non-cash bets and reduces the cost of investing in the shadow economy, said NBS governor Jorgovanka Tabakovi.

Source: Tanjug

<img src = "" width = "640" height = "426" hspace = "0" vspace = " 0 "border =" 1 "align =" left "alt =" Photo by: Tanjug / Filip Krain

The governor said that he was promoting the Dina kartica Komercijalna banka, which issued 11 000 of these cards for last month, and which contains the section

Tabak's remembers that on October 7, 2003, the transaction was executed for the first time with the card of Dina, established by the SNB and banks

"Dina was then founded with the same objective that we are pursuing today: to increase the number of non-monetary payments and to reduce our share of the shadow economy, that is to say, to persuade oneself, to convince the company, to pay taxes ",

<img src =" " width = "640" height = "437" hspace = "0" vspace = "0" border = "1" align = "left" alt = "Photo: Tanjug / Filip Krain [ad_2]
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