The US Embassy in Belgrade honored Serbia


"If any of you has given the world of electricity, that without you there would be no phone, that any of you have had discovered the greatest secrets of the planet, among you there are who sacrificed a lot to conquer everything … If all this happens, we could say that your country is the land of people and their dreams, that some dreams begin in Serbia and you are changing lives … Some dreams of Serbia have changed the world, "he says inter alia in the video

  embassy now america beograd

Beautiful scenes from Serbia can be seen in the video , and through photographs and images of Mihajla Pup Nikola Tesla, Novak Djokovic and Vlado Divac, show their role in creating the country's identity, "according to an article published by the Embassy in l & # 39; The honor of Serbia, "Blic" reports

. "In celebrating this event and the campaign" You are the world ", the US Embassy pays tribute to the Serbs who have made a significant contribution to humanity, a respected and welcome contribution to the United States and the world, a contribution that has enriched all of us . The relations between Serbia and the United States are created by our people, whose talent and work contribute to the development of science, culture and sport, with outstanding achievements in their respective fields. The United States is proud to be able to contribute to their development and success, "said Blic

They pointed out that this year, the United States and Serbia together – in Belgrade and Washington – the flag of Serbia was dominated by the White House on July 28, 1918.

"President Woodrow Wilson was a friend of Mihajlo Pupin, and he wanted to show respect for the Serbian people and their attachment to the values ​​shared by both countries. By the time President Wilson made such a decision, the world was still trying to recover from one of the most horrible and tragic wars in the history of humanity, a war in which Serbia lost nearly one-third of its population. For the Americans, such a victim could not be noticed, "said the Embassy.

In the history of the United States, the flag of another country did not only once before the White House, which makes this event so important to both Americans and Serbs, and why we wanted to mark it this way, "said the Embassy. [19659008] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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