The value of the crypt valued on 26.7.2018. |


Bitcoin has grown at an average of $ 100 a day since the beginning of July and for a little over three weeks, has gained more than 40% . CoinMarketCap data reveal a remarkable $ 6,000 increase in the low value crypt after the worst start of the year of Bitcoin. Strangely, impressive gains have not followed other major cryptovalutes including ethereum, ripple and EOS. Turning the wheel of fortune follows the predictions of some esteemed crypt analysts who have claimed that the price drop seems insignificant in the long run . The price of bitcoin reached more than $ 8,400 despite the decision of the US Securities Commission (SEC) to postpone its decision on bitcoin. The decision refers to the request for approval of the Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) bitcoin, requested by the SolidX Blockchain platform via the Chicago Board Exchange. Analysts predict that bitcoin prices could rise enough if the ETF approves, citing the introduction of the Golden ETF 15 years ago, when the value of consumer goods rose by 300%. The SEC has already rejected the request for the previous bitcoin ETF since last year, citing as a reason for such a decision the volatility of bitcoins. Crypt analysts have estimated that the latest gain would signal a long-term return to record levels of bitcoin by the end of 2017, and some even have bills to go further. Anthony Pompliano, the founder of Morgan Creek Digital Assets has always made positive predictions about the prices of bitcoins and considered the latest gains as an opportunity to justify the courageous claim that the cryptovalue could reach $ 50,000 in less than six months . If this happens, the bitcoin should increase significantly by more than $ 100 a day. The average of $ 261 a day would be required to reach this level, writes the Independent. The value of Bitcoin broke at the opening amount 7.723.2 dollars, while the opening value of yesterday was 7,934.6 dollars. The opening value of the day is $ 8,289.7

Yesterday afternoon, there were positive movements at ETH / USD above $ 460. The pair traded above $ 480 but failed to keep the gains. On a 2-hour chart from ETH / USD, the pair had a boost above the $ 460 support. He traded over $ 480 and 50% of the Fibonacci withdrawal level of $ 515.09 to $ 440.85. However, the movement was constrained by the trend of the resistance line at $ 484 and 61.8% of the Phobosnian withdrawal level of the last decline. The pair made several attempts to move $ 484 to $ 485, but Ether customers failed to take control. The price began to fall and broke the $ 480 level and the $ 478 improved support channel on a 30-minute chart. However, the chart in 2 hours shows that there is a strong support nearly $ 470 and $ 460 . 50% of the Fibonacci withdrawal level of the last wave of 440.85 at the level of $ 484.54 is also about $ 460. Therefore, if the price is tiny, it will most likely find a strong interest from the buyer near the $ 460 support. The resistance rate of $ 480 and $ 485 can continue to prevent profits . Above this price could get $ 500 and $ 515 in the near future Ethnews writes. The value of the ethereum at the opening of the cloud was 462.79 dollars, and yesterday the opening coin was 465.53 dollars. USD USD USD USD USD USD USD 07/26/2018. Switzerland CHF 101.4533 26/07/2018. US US 100.6662 26/07/2018. Internet BTC 8.289.7 26.7. [196590140] Internet EPF 472.39 26.7.2018 Source: