Theodore (3) cut his veins, then threw a little girl, then jumped behind her! Background of family tragedy on ice blood Bežanijska kosi in the veins!



06/18/2019. 22h23 – 18/06/2019. 10:32 p.m.

The team "Alo!" Discovered a damaged door in the apartment of the Radojicic family yesterday, while the smell of fire could have been felt at the entrance of the building

Danijela Milovanović

Danijela Milovanovic, Photo: Facebook

Only a year ago, she lost her mother and she recently aborted her. She was lying for two months because she was leading a risky pregnancy – she says for Alo! knowledge

It all started with the death of her mother, with whom she could not come to terms. After that, she had a spontaneous abortion and she was mentally retarded! It took two months to maintain a risky pregnancy. Her father was with her and worried about her, but the depression was even stronger !, This is the story of Danijela Radojicic, 36, suspected of having "Alo!", Suspected of having first set fire to the apartment, then her daughter Teodori (3) she cut her veins, then threw the child and finally jumped out of the deck itself.

The terrible family tragedy took place on Monday at 8:20 am in the building located in Ismet Mujazinović Street No 9 in Bežanijska kosa, Belgrade. First, a fire broke out in the apartment and found the bodies of the mother and daughter in front of the building. It was thought that the mother and daughter had been ejected from the terraces to escape the fire, but it turned out that the mother had cut off her daughter's veins while she was sleeping and l & # 39; She had thrown from the terrace, and then she did the same. Before that, a fire is declared in the apartment.

– It's a great tragedy and no one in the building can believe what has happened. Believe me, nothing says that this would happen, it was a charming and friendly family. They were so quiet, as if they did not live there. They did not live. Their loved ones came after a tragedy to bring out things – says a neighbor living in an apartment near Danile.

The team "Alo!" Discovered a damaged door at the apartment of the Radojicic family yesterday, while the smell of fire could be felt at the entrance of the building.

– She was suffering from severe depression. Only a year ago, she lost her mother, and six months ago she had another child aborted. She had a risky pregnancy, so she had to be maintained. She had been lying for two months, but she was still abolished … She was very close to her father and he was really all the time with her. He always came to the apartment, playing Theodore, whenever he needed it, he would have found it. Daniel's father bought an apartment and he lived not far from her. For everything he needed, he was there. She had a kind of postpartum depression and apparently lost the compass in this desperation. Nobody noticed that something serious could happen – said the knowledge.

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The tenants of the building who knew them did not want to talk about the media. The neighbors who only saw them pass said they did not know the details about them.

This is not yet the official reason why Danijela raised her hand on her daughter and herself. For now, there is no information on the date of their funeral.

The man was released from the hospital

Danijel's wife, Dejan, was distressed when she learned of the tragedy, which was why she found herself at Zemun Hospital.

– He was released Tuesday for home treatment. It's healthier, but it's broken mentally. He went to his house, which would take care of him until he came alone. No family member had come to the apartment yesterday – told our source.

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