There is no reason for early elections, but if they insist, I will go out to meet them


Vučić, after visiting works on the reconstruction of the emergency center of the Clinical Center of Serbia, on the question of whether the elections will be held in March, as the parties claim who form the alliance they know when the elections are still. "

There are easy and difficult elections, says Vucic and adds that they are always easy for the opposition, because they are" easy for those who lose. "

" We had to go ahead of the road to elections, because we implemented the most difficult reforms I'm proud of – fiscal consolidation, reform of the whole financial sector – which had to be from the top of the state. Ministers Krstić and Vujović did a good job. It was a good job, it was mostly terrible measures against which everyone was. People thought that there was a pot of where the money came from, and today they know that a healthy economy is necessary for you to be able to finance everything.I did not want to take such measures He stressed that today we have a very good state of things, that our economy is growing rapidly, with unemployment, wages and pensions rising

. average salary of about 424 euros. If we compare 2002, when the average salary in Croatia was about 700 euros and in Serbia only 146, we drastically reduced the difference. Soon, the average salary in Serbia will be about 465 euros. We are reducing the difference for other countries in the region not only in proportion but also in absolute terms. We have passed Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Albania and Macedonia are behind us. We will see that we will reach the others, and the next ones are Romania and Hungary, "said the President of Serbia.

Regarding the opposition meeting, Vucic recalled that local elections will soon be held in Majdanpek. "The only problem is that they do not have the little things, that is to say that people have to vote for one of them." between them, "said Vucic [unhommededroiteunmagnatdufascisme”pourgagnerunevictoireconvaincante19659002] He stressed that, if they receive national trust, he will never trample on it.

" For us, the voice of the people is the most important voice. There is not such a great philosophy. The elections will not be easy, but we will not lose the local elections, or the others, if they are, "said Vucic

" The slight trace "in the case of the murder of Ivanovic

"We are on the road to something that is not illogical, but if it is true – we will verify it," said Vucic in response to questions from the reporter.

Asked about recent arrests by several people, allegedly attempted by the Pristina authorities to link Ivanovic's assassination, Vucic said he was just waiting to be sent to him, but that this would be only a continuation of the practice practiced by the authorities of Pristina, the beginning of the investigation.

"Although we are not allowed to conduct an investigation, we are now on a small track, and they have invited and heard people from the north, a few hours and t k hours, to confirm they think e-that this one also killed Oliver Ivanovic, but they had to give up each time, "said Vucic.

As he has said, he does not think anyone can play with these arrests, "he is so unwavering that he is not, and he is still convinced that it will not be guaranteed when it reveals the truth. " 19659002] Who accepted EULEX instead of the UN

Reflecting on the objections to the resolution of the Kosovo-Metohija issue, Vucic says that those who participated in the creation of a fake state now criticize every solution, criticizing him as s' he had created the problem

"Someone talks about UN Security Council Resolution 1244, that everything must be in accordance with this document.I ask you all here present and who support me personally or not, have we not accepted Resolution 1244. Have I privatized the transfer of the Kosovo issue from the UN to the EU? Someone else is he in the process of deciding that EULEX is welcome, instead of the "me or Jeremic, Djilas and Tadic?", Vucic asked.

He recalled that in Resolution 1244 there is no scripture from Serbia, but from FRY

"Vucic or one of them destroys the FRY, gives wings to Montenegro to leave.It was made in 2006 by the same – Jeremic, Tadic, Djilas, "said Vucic.

He explained that he explains to Albanians who have continuity, to fend for themselves and to fight for their country everywhere

How to call the irresponsible what led to the situation that Montenegro wants to leave, and then you have a campaign in which you can lose the country where you have 30% of Serbs and where 60% of citizens speak Serbian, and there is no word on everything. Montenegro and what we are connecting to KiM We then removed the UN as a mother and called "welcome to Europe" to negotiate with us, and decided to refer a brutal question to the Court Justice, which legitimized Albanian independence in Kosovo. "The Serbs have signed Albanian independence," explained Vucic

after which we have 30,000 fewer Serbs, and we have given 500 million euros in the last two years to defend our people in the province. You do not speak it's a good solution, something we do not have, which is impossible to defeat, "noted the president of Serbia

Vučić noticed that in 2011 they had raised the borders on Brnjak and Jarinje, that they were joint forces with Slaviša Ristić of

He said that they want to keep their story virtual, without thinking that we are less and less at KiM.

"We are going to continue," he said. "

He recalls that the Albanians buy goods around Gracanica, that it does not exist. There are 20 Serbian houses in Caglavica, none in Bresje and Kosovo Polje, and that in New Brdo next year, we will not have the majority

what and what is the only solution for you – launch the Albanians – there are not 1.8 million, but between 1.35 and 1.4 million I can not be irresponsible and frivolous like the others. r to speak, and those who destroyed the country led to bankruptcy, let them talk about the stories, "said Vucic.

He also says that if Serbs like fraud, they will go out. never deceived our people. Even when I announced that when we were cutting wages and pensions, we were getting pensions and the highest salaries. He criticized the former authorities for failing to respond to the possibility of leaving Montenegro and unilaterally proclaiming KiM's independence, adding that he was proud to have changed the image of Serbia. in the world, that he meets several times in a year with the German chancellor, the presidents of France and China, but all together for 30 years. "

" This is how much Serbia is respected today. About the statements of Vuk Jeremic, he announced that in seven to eight days, citizens will hear about what he has received from the Katar Embassy of Germany, though that is not the case. he keeps silent on this subject. "

" We waited for him to say it. We received a strong silence in response. As the question of where 100 million euros from you to Djilas. All people here with knowledge and families can come together, they can not collect these 100 million euros as he won from 2007 to 2012, when he was a god and a beating in the country, "said Vučić

.It is difficult to face the "family of party magnates" who has a lot of money and media – Šolakov and Đilas media, as well as against the Macedonian tycoons who try to

About the Opinion of the International Court of Justice [19659002LeprésidentAleksandarVucicditqu'àchaqueréunionlesreprésentantsdesinstitutionsprovisoiresdePristinaluiontditpresqueavecplaisirquenousdemandionsl'avisdelaCourinternationaledejusticesurl'indépendanceduKosovoquiat-ilrépétéa”claqué”notrepositionpourparveniràunaccord19659002] He stated that Thaçi, Colak, Shala, Kuçi also mentioned his intention to apply for the law. opinions of SMEs at each meeting, and he says that he reads the decision of the court with a message – "e in your own Jeremic and Tadic, and so at each meeting. "

" And we idiots always commit to any decision of the SME; Anyway, let's accept it now, tell me a territory, a country that did the same thing … Because everyone had to understand that the judges came from countries that largely recognized the country. Independence, 23 out of 25 countries, He said: "And people even made a statement to the nation that they won."

As he pointed out, no representative of Pristina "

Asked about Haradinaj's statement that the division was not taken into consideration, otherwise there would be war, Vucic has said he was always worried about their "passionate". 19659002] "To leave, the people, the war by oneself"

To equip the security forces of Kosovo with field vehicles of the American production it should not frighten the people, it has Aleksandar Vučić said that we will fight for peace and peace, but that, of course, he still cares about the "passionate desire" of some Albanian leaders to take the north.

"I saw that Americans have made great videos on the relations between Serbia and America, and as far as I'm concerned, I see that it's going to be bloody with some Albanian rulers , they will immediately solve differently "If any fate, there will be war." Let's go, people, war after ourselves, we will fight for peace and keep the peace Of course, I I'm always worried about their passionate desire to take the north, "says Vucic.

It is important to point out that a conflict is avoided, and that "they will ride in different vehicles, let them roam".

As reported by Blic, these days, US aid has been sent to the equipment, the Prime Minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj and the US ambassador to Pristina Greg Delavi have so signed a contract to equip KSB with US military vehicles

what we have, what they have, this is not comparable, I do not want to talk at all about peace, stability, but it It is important that you have a well-trained country, a strong army and a police force, always serve as a deterrent for all those dreams of war, "said Vucic.

Provocations and irresponsible statements

] People in Serbia should not worry about provocations and irresponsible statements, as those who pronounced Sulejman Ugljanin who visited Sandzak called Badzeti Pacolli, said Vucic.

"It is unimportant … There will be problems, as we say in the Sandzak or Raska area, there will be no problems, they are stories for young children, "says Vucic

. the account of the Government of Serbia says, "Is this the first time?" He accused Rasim Ljajic of being a killer, and when someone told him, he was, so we loved him, that is … I will not tell anything. We respect Bosnians very much, fighting for them in the same way as for Serbs and all other citizens. "

He ordered that people not be hacked into pronouncing Sulejman Ugljanin, and even thought that the state's reaction was too much to an" irrelevant event ".

" The man has made his own promotion because it is now very important here, unfortunately he has succeeded .. The Nit is important, he can not do anything, nor seriously affect the state of Serbia "Answering the questions of journalists, Vucic said that the Minister of the Interior, Nebojsa Stefanovic, had "reported well" that Pacolli would not come to Novi Pazar, and the cancellation of Pacolli's arrival sees something more normal and understandable

"This is not the territory of Kosovo or the territory that they can rightly say, or without law, the departure of Marko Djuric or the arrival of Pacolli , all this is irrelevant, but Stefanovic reacted well, "said Vucic.

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