There was no rebellion "berets" Chronicle


The trial of Milorad Ulemek, Zvezdan Jovanovic and five other former members of the JSO ended. After considering the evidence, but also on the basis of the witness's testimony, it was decided that it was a protest

THE COUNCIL rendered a unanimous decision and acquitted Milorad Ulemek Legija, Zvezdan Jovanovic and five other members of the former Special Operations Unit. year because the prosecution failed to prove his claims. Moreover, the acquittal stating that the accused did not commit the crimes alleged against him was made after a detailed examination of the material or written evidence, but also on the basis of the testimony of the witness. witness. On the basis of this, it was concluded that this was not a rebellion but a protest.

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This is Friday in the Special Judge Dragomir Gerasimovic told the court in Belgrade, explaining the verdict. The prosecution was acquitted of former JSO commander, Milorad Ulemek Legija, who, by his own decision, was not removed from prison to Pozarevac because he did not want to not attend the verdict. Mika Petrakovic and Vladimir Potic were not included in the statement, while Zvezdan Jovanovic, Dragoslav Krsmanovic, Veselin Lecic and Dragisa Rodic appeared in court

for Dusan Maricic Gumar (at the time of l. insurrection, he commanded unity). serving a prison sentence in Pozarevac, medical expertise found that he is not able to follow the trial.

KOROZ: DANGEROUS MESSAGE The former Serbian Deputy Prime Minister, Zarko Korac, said that despite the acquittal of JSO members, he felt that in 2001 they had organized an armed rebellion and that a court like this By a decision he sent a very dangerous message. – If our judiciary thinks that a demonstration of weapons and uniforms is a joke, then our justice has just sent a message that members of the armed forces of this country can do this that they have in mind. Explaining the acquittal, Judge Gerasimović also called for a transcript of the government sessions chaired by Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic, who noted that he was not the only one to do so. state security was threatened and the word "protest" was used instead of rebellion. In support of the acquittal, he stated that the government had not declared the state of emergency, that the security services were not ready to fight and that the safety of the citizens was not threatened.

– Among the written evidence, 61 and 62. Government sessions were attended by almost all representatives of the authorities, who concluded that state security was not compromised. The government did not declare the state of emergency at that time, believing that there was no fear of a violent takeover. In addition, this was proved by the arrival of Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic with his minor son on the celebration of the JSO –

He also stated that the testimony of some witnesses was based on "indirect knowledge" and that the testimony of Cedomir Jovanovic the former police minister Dusan Mihajlovic was opposed to the evidence and based on "subsequent memories."

The former Interior Minister, now counsel for the accused Veselin Lecic – Bozo Prelevic, estimated Friday that it was intended that ex-members JSO will be acquitted of the armed insurrection and add that the verdict shows that nothing that was claimed by Deputy Prime Minister Cedomir Jovanovic has been proven.

Prelevic said that behind everything was the idea to call Vojislav Kostunica. something he was not responsible for.


THE PRESIDENCY OF THE JUDICIAL PRESIDENCY OF THE JSO, with the exception of family members, relatives and friends, was also followed by the President of the Radical Party Serbian, Vojislav Seselj. He told reporters that he was satisfied with the verdict, and that "the court gave the only correct game".

– This is only the beginning. We will soon be invited to renew the procedure for the assassination of Djindjic, because during this trial, there were illegal and significant violations of the law – added Mr. Seselj, adding that the procedure will have to be reinstated for the murder of Vuk Draskovic in Budva

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