This car is produced every 86 seconds


If there was no oil crisis in the early seventies, the question is whether a large-scale world population would drive this car today. Ford Fiesta emerged as part of the secret project, and 42 years after the first examples of this craft, it bears the title of the best-selling car in the history of Britain.

Source: PR LANAK

And in Serbia, it has a similar status when it comes to Ford models. This trend is not moving, and with the emergence of the new Fiest on our crisis last year, the choice of many has fallen to this same version. If the price / quality ratio goes hand in hand with a successful buyer in our country, it is also said that the Five-door Trend version and the 1.1 petrol engine of the 70 HP can be exchanged for 9 990 euros.

In addition to the attractive price, the new Ford Fiesta has so much equipment that it is rare that a competitor boasts. Those who have tried it claim that during the season you should not think of anything about them or be as if each car was focused on the traffic.

ABS, Electronic Stability Program (ESP), Restraint System (MBA), Lane Keeping Aid, Speed ​​Limiter, My Key (Initial Vehicle Setting (Maximum Speed), Maximum Injury Level, Early Warning low fuel level in the tank, inability to start the vehicle without activated belts, etc.), climbing aid (HLA) and luxurious interior are just some of the advantages of a new model [19659007] And if you knew that about Ford Fiesti?

Because of the large crowd, every model of this car is produced every 86 seconds, and it is so present in the world that if you put all the models on one another would encompass the whole planet, one by one. His name was given by the company Henri Ford Drugi, and the first line was from the production line on May 11, 1976. Take a look at the history and the emergence of one of the most popular models of the Ford OVDE .

The life of Ford Fiesta, which is almost four and a decade on the trumpet of the world, appears in seemingly interesting numbers. Nevertheless, the figure of 9,990 euros is the highest when one buys a stoma suitable for all generations, whether it is an individual choice or a Fiest like porous car

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