This is the worst iPhone that Apple has ever made. telegraph


This "honor" came on the model of the iPhone 6, which has been proclaimed the most hopeless phone ever reached by Apple, is the most unlikely of Apple's mobile devices to say the worst .

The two versions of the iPhone 6 and 6S have been found at the top of the list of the least reliable Apple phones, according to reports reported by Biancco under the title "State of repair and security of mobile devices . "

This business came to security and data erasure, iPhone 6 reported a high percentage of corruption and termination – 22 percent.

That means almost every fifth The owner of this phone had to take the time to repair or replace it at some point.

The most common problems related to WiFi, Bluetooth and headset.

With regard to Android users, the worst is the

The most common problems faced by Android device owners include the problems of slowing down the camera, camera, microphone and battery.

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