Tomas Tur Champion of Fransa | Other sports


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29. Jul 2018. 22:50 |


British cyclist Gerajnt Tomas wins his first title on the race across France

British cyclist Gerajnt Tomas wins his first title on the race by France

After the longest of 3 351 kilometers and 21

"It's one of the best days of my life, without a doubt," said the winner of the 105th edition of Tur of Fransa.

The last stage of this year Tura, 116 kilometers, was led from Ulysas to the fields of Jelisje, and Tomas successfully defended the advantage gained over the Dutchman Tom Tomululan

Tomas became the third Briton to triumph in the most prestigious cycling race in the world. the year after Bredlija Viginsa and Kristofer Fruma

Dimulan took another place, while Frum was third

At the last stage, the Norwegian Alexandrian Kristof won [1965901] 0] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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